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Frends iPaaS kokemuksia

Frends iPaaS:lla on yhteensä 19 suosittelijaa ja asiakaskokemusta. Frends iPaaS kokemuksia –sivu koostaa yhteen ne asiakaskokemukset, suositukset ja suosittelijat, jotka Frends iPaaS on liittänyt referensseihinsä.

ReferenssiFrends ja Lemonsoft solmivat kumppanuuden integraatioiden hallinnan tehostamiseksi

"Frends iPaaS on helpottanut uuden tarjoamamme palvelun, integraationhallinta palveluna, käynnistämistä. Tämä strateginen askel parantaa kykyämme tarjota asiakkaillemme ensiluokkaista tukea, optimoida heidän järjestelmiensä käyttöä ja tuottaa lisäarvoa."

-- Marko Suomela, Operational Director / Data- & Digital Services, Lemonsoft Oyj

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ReferenssiBN Bank renews its integration architecture with Frends iPaaS

"We used to rely on external agencies in our API development. With Frends iPaaS, maintaining and making changes for APIs is faster, more cost-efficient, and in our own hands. You don't have to be particularly a developer to use low-code Frends iPaaS. The discussions, risk analysis, and proof of concept work took a long time as we wanted to ensure making the right decision. We value that Frends is.."

-- Vegar Kruke, IT Manager at BN Bank

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ReferenssiFrends ja Evitec yhdistävät voimansa toimittaakseen kestäviä ja tehokkaita integraatioita pankki- ja finanssialan toimijoille

"Olemme innoissamme, että voimme solmia kumppanuuden Frendsin kanssa. Olen vakuuttunut siitä, että yhdessä pystymme tarjoamaan yhä parempia ratkaisuja asiakkaidemme data- ja liiketoiminnan integraatioihin. Frendsin alusta on laajalti käytetty markkinassa ja se on erittäin varteenotettava valinta finanssitoimialan vaativille tarpeille."

-- Perttu Heinonen, Senior Vice President, Financial & Industry Solutions, Evitec

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ReferenssiMTV:n käyttöönottama Frends iPaaS tuki pohjoismaisen lähetystoiminnan keskittämistä ja teknisen velan vähentämistä.

"Olimme kokeilleet muutamia integraatioalustoja, jotka olivat kuitenkin liian jäykkiä tarpeisiimme. Aloimme kartoittaa teknologioita, jotka mahdollistaisivat prosessimalliin perustuvan integraatiokehityksen. Low-code Frends iPaaS vastasi tarpeisiimme täydellisesti ja kaiken lisäksi se tarjoaa selkeän käyttöliittymän, joka visualisoi prosesseja."

-- Veli-Matti Huhtala, MTV:n Product Owner.

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ReferenssiBluefors, a market leader in cryogen-free ultra-low temperature systems, has enhanced data transparency and monitoring

"Frends supports our processes and reduces manual work significantly. Our needs will develop, but at the moment, the main focus is basic data synchronization to support our evolving IT landscape. In addition, Frends enables more advanced reporting, making the data transparent for different company members."

-- Erik Holm, Information System Manager at Bluefors

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ReferenssiOrion, a globally operating Finnish pharmaceutical company, ensured scalability and continuity with Frends iPaaS.

"We are extremely pleased with Frends: the technology, processes, and the people. Together with Frends, we have been able to scale up our business. We utilize Frends iPaaS whenever it's possible. It is a central piece of our enterprise architecture, which helps us independently streamline and automate processes and increase the efficiency of operations," says Anssi P., Information Security.."

-- Anssi Pitkänen, Information Security Manager at Orion

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ReferenssiSundbyberg Municipality saves time and money and gains more visibility with the Frends integration platform

"Frends platform is straightforward, smooth, and flexible to work with. Even though it now takes time to move integrations to run via Frends, we know it will be cost-effective in the long run."

-- Richard Nergell, IT Operations Manager at Sundbyberg Municipality

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ReferenssiNurminen Logistics moved 100% of integrations to Frends iPaaS

"We wanted to choose a secure and multi-cloud platform as maintaining one's data onsite was burdensome. Moreover, we chose Frends iPaaS for being a platform-as-a-service, and cost-efficient and flexible to use. "

-- Petri Luurila, Chief Information Officer at Nurminen Logistics

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ReferenssiOtava expanded the use of the Frends integration platform throughout all business units and finance-related process

"It can't be taken for granted that Frends has so many integration experts. We are always able to get support quickly. Frends has a straightforward operating method, and even the largest projects are implemented carefully."

-- Mikko Lehtinen, IT Manager, Otava

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ReferenssiSavon Voima chose Frends iPaaS to achieve agility in data integration

"Frends was extremely easy to use and lowered the development time remarkably, enabled on-the-spot visual monitoring and agility to integration development. Eventually, with Frends, we could enable the data-driven leadership."

-- Tuomas Räsänen, Director, Business Technologies

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ReferenssiLining gained a strong competitive advantage when they adopted the Frends for their customer installations

"During our sales process, it is a usual occurrence when our customers ask if they can integrate Lining solution with their existing systems. And our answer is always "Yes," as this is now possible with the help of the Frends platform."

-- Tero Auvinen, Head of Digi & Automation Department at Lining

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ReferenssiSecto Automotive started using Frends in 2019, and since then, the adoption and usage of the platform have only been growing deeper

"We like that Frends offers an all-in-one tool, and our IT staff can create all necessary integrations without any difficulties. Building the processes themselves became very fast once we defined Secto's way of implementing and securing integrations. Frends helps us to develop new things in a fast and flexible way. Easy to add new integrations and maintain and monitor them"

-- Jani Rantanen, Chief Digital Officer

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ReferenssiWith Frends, S-Bank's integration environment is more stable than before and with a third of previous costs

"Frends combines technical reliability with speed and flexibility, enabling us to respond to changing business needs."

-- Jan Kortesalo, CIO, S-Bank

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ReferenssiLevi ski resort selected Frends iPaaS to be the backbone of its digital customer experience – Levi.ski Mobile application

"Behind Levi App's uniqueness is the integration of all resort's services and slope data executed by Frends iPaaS. The app serves a wide range of information and functionality to create a customer experience that hasn't been seen in ski resorts before. "

-- Marko Mustonen, Business Director at Levi Ski Resort

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ReferenssiAalto University uses pervasive iPaaS Frends for hundreds of APIs, integration processes and AI based hyperautomation

"With Frends we are able to operate and understand everything without technical knowledge."

-- Patrick Maltusch, Head of Integration, Aalto University

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ReferenssiSt1 selected Frends to unify and simplify its API architecture

"With Frends we can take care of all our API management requirements. We selected Frends as our long-term API management solution and so far, it has proven flexible, reliable and cost-efficient."

-- Linda Pihl, Head of Digital at St1 Nordic

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ReferenssiJärvenpää city invests in data and automation, and shows how the resources of even a medium-sized municipality allow for a radical transformation.

"Frends has been on the market for a long time. We were convinced by its results and the comprehensive solution combined with the visual interface."

-- Toni Pallaspuro, Chief Information and Digital Officer for the City of Järvenpää

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ReferenssiHow Tokmanni transformed 80% spend on operations to 80% spend on new development

"80% of our IT resources in integration went to operating and ensuring integrations work. Only 20% of the time, we developed something new. With Frends, we transformed that into 80% of development, and only 20% is required for Ops."

-- Toni Eriksson

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ReferenssiHelsinki City: The Education Division of the City of Helsinki chose Frends iPaaS to be its strategical integration platform

"Initial Frends deployment project was perfectly on-time and budget, even though Frends was installed into the hybrid multi-cloud environment, that includes AWS, Azure, and on-premise systems."

-- Jarno Koppala, ICT-architect, City of Helsinki

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