With Frends, S-Bank's integration environment is more stable than before and with a third of previous costs
Business Goals
S-Bank is a fast-growing Finnish bank serving about 3 million customers. In particular, S-Bank has grown through its mobile bank: S-Bank's mobile application is the only Finnish application that connects a bank and a retailer.
S-Bank wanted to implement an integration strategy, where they are able to develop and operate all of the integrations inhouse using DevOps teams. Additionally speeding up solution time to market while operating in an extremely secure banking environment was one of the main goals.
Frends combines technical reliability with speed and flexibility, enabling us to respond to changing business needs. Jan Kortesalo, CIO, S-Bank
Integration challenges
The challenge was an aging and unstable integration platform, with minimal support from the vendor. One additional challenge was the complicated IT-environment where, both secure, but old, core-banking systems and external customer facing services need to communicate securely and reliably at all times.
With Frends, S-Bank's integration environment is more stable than before and with a third of previous costs. At the same time, the quality of the solutions has increased.
During a major network outage, the services published on Frends continued to operate - even without connection to the Frends core. When the network connections resumed, Frends continued to operate without interruption.
About S-Bank
S-Bank is a Finnish bank that strives to offer exceptionally easy and useful banking services. It provides 3,1 million customers with comprehensive services for daily money management, saving, investing, and financing of purchases. S-Bank invests heavily in digital content and in making life easy for customers. To this end, S-Bank serves its customers comprehensively through our online bank, the S-mobiili mobile application, telephone service, social media, and at more than 700 S Group branches throughout Finland.
Contact us
Frends combines technical reliability with speed and flexibility, enabling us to respond to changing business needs.
Jan Kortesalo, CIO, S-Bank
Tilaaja: | S-Bank |
Tietohallinto | |
Toiminnanohjaus ERP |
Integraatiot |
Omat tagit
Frends iPaaS - Asiantuntijat ja yhteyshenkilöt
Frends iPaaS - Muita referenssejä
Frends iPaaS - Muita bloggauksia
It- ja ohjelmistoalan työpaikat
- Nordea - Senior Backend Developer, Nordea Finance
- Laura - Palveluvastaava, tietohallinto
- Laura - Fullstack kehittäjä
- Digia Oyj - Kafka Integration Developer
- Laura - Senior Full Stack Developer
- Laura - Full Stack Developer
- Laura - Kesätyöpaikat, Toiminnanohjausjärjestelmän kehitys, Millog Oy Tampere
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