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DevOps or Software Engineer


Job description

We are looking for two Specialists (with a title of either DevOps, Software Engineer or Systems Specialist) to be a part of a team that develops and operates a new service, Database as a Service (DBaaS). The service is developed based on OpenStack Trove to make CSC’s existing cloud portfolio more feature complete. The service is developed in the long term to span both internal and external customers with various needs, use cases and database technologies with self-service orientation. The DBaaS service is currently being piloted in a public beta phase. The next steps and challenges in the near future include getting the service into production, making improvements and adding new features, developing high availability for the service, and developing our automated testing and CI/CD pipelines. The backlog of the service has a lot to do, but we are doing things in a well-planned way, also respecting the work-life balance of our specialists.

In these positions You’ll join a freshly established, self-managing team that develops and operates the new DBaaS 'cloud-service' and in close collaboration with the database team of CSC. The new specialists and their team are serving a 'higher purpose' in accelerating academic research by developing a service and tools that allow researchers at higher education institutions and other research organisations to focus on their core competence research instead of managing databases.

The new specialists form an important part of the growing DBaaS team responsible for the design and technological implementation of the new service on top of CSC’s own IaaS OpenStack services (cPouta) and object storage (Allas). The practical duties contain, among other things:

  • Developing and improving the customer database workflows (updates, backups, creations etc.)
  • Developing the OpenStack Trove (https://opendev.org/openstack/trove) code base - there will be a possibility to contribute upstream
  • Improving the monitoring and logging operations for the service
  • Some OpenStack administration (Trove, Keystone)
  • Writing documentation for team, customer and administrative purposes
  • Contributing to the roadmap, planning and technical decision-making
  • Using of the following technologies in a weekly basis: Linux, PostgreSQL, OpenStack, S3, Python, Ansible, Git and Gitlab runners.

Job requirements

We expect the candidates to be able to write code, to be comfortable around Linux systems and have at least some experience of automating IT systems. We also value a capability to learn new things at work and will provide instruction and support from colleagues for it. Additionally, practical knowledge and experience in any the following fields and technologies are desirable and thus considered as assets.

  • Linux administration
  • Python programming
  • High availability design and HA implementation of services
  • Developing CI/CD pipelines (Git, Gitlab-runners, Artifactory)
  • Using Docker and Podman
  • Using Ansible or other automation technologies
  • Database administration
  • OpenStack administration
  • Running production-level services and systems.

An education from IT, computer science, engineering or other relevant field, as well as knowledge of the Finnish language, are assets but not musts in this role. The titles and precise duties of the specialists are specified based on the existing knowledge, skills and experience of the persons getting selected. The candidates are subject to a standard security clearance vetting.

CSC – IT Center for Science is a non-profit state enterprise with special tasks. It is jointly owned by the Finnish government and the Finnish higher education institutions. We develop and offer high-quality ICT services for research, education, culture, public administration and companies to enhance our customers’ success and ultimately benefit the whole society. Our accomplished staff form the grounds of our success. We offer you interesting work in a supportive atmosphere with the opportunity to develop your own expertise in an international company with long traditions. At CSC, your colleagues are friendly, enthusiastic and curious top-notch experts in their field.

For more information on the DBaaS Specialist positions, please contact Development Manager Arto Aniluoto, at arto.aniluoto(at)csc.fi or with +358 50 515 0196. Please send Your application the latest by Friday 10.2.2023.

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Hakuaika: 1.1.1970 - 10.2.2023
Linkki: https://www.csc.fi/toihin-csc-lle
Yhteydenotto: rekry@csc.fi


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