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Tech in 3 Minutes: Problems when running a Kubernetes cluster

VideoKubernetes makes deployment easier, but with all the tools, once you get a bit deeper, like running a Kubernetes cluster, you easily end up with a new set of problems. So what are the common problems you are likely to encounter and best tips for avoiding them.

In this video, Paavo Pauklin interviews Maciej Rostanski, a top cloud expert, on problems when running a Kubernetes cluster and what executives need to know about it.

You’ll learn:

What are the common problem and challenges running a Kubernetes cluster?

How easy or difficult it is to manage your cluster?

How much experience do you need to have in your team?

Are the tools well integrated and easy, or not?

What about the data plane?

Should you use managed services or do it yourself?

What’s the episode at YouTube and remember to like & subscribe.

If you have any further questions or need help, contact Paavo.Pauklin@netcorp.ee.

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