Staria and Nomentia join forces to complement Staria’s software offering with cash and treasury management solutions
HELSINKI, Finland – September 14, 2023 – Staria, a leading NetSuite and Global Financial Services partner in Europe, announces collaboration with Nomentia, a pioneer of cash and treasury management solutions.
Staria, with over 20 years of experience in providing financial services, such as outsourcing finance, payroll services, CFO services, and financial consulting has been an Awarded NetSuite partner since 2013. Now, partnering with Nomentia, a leader in cash and treasury management solutions with nearly 40 years of experience, Staria can empower its enterprise clients with cutting-edge technologies.
This partnership is especially significant as Staria extends its international financial services to over 40 countries with a core focus on serving rapidly expanding international growth companies. The inclusion of Nomentia’s solutions enriches Staria’s service portfolio, ensuring comprehensive support for its clients.
“We are delighted to partner with Nomentia, as their treasury and cash management solutions perfectly complement the technology setup of our enterprise NetSuite customers. This collaboration holds value as both Oracle NetSuite and Nomentia cater to the same international and rapidly expanding target group." - Jani Jääskeläinen, CTO, Staria
“We are thrilled to collaborate with Staria offering their clients our cash and treasury management solutions to elevate their financial capabilities. As Nomentia solutions seamlessly integrate with NetSuite, clients can maximize their investments and streamline their finance processes. This collaboration marks a significant step forward in providing our mutual clients with innovative and comprehensive finance solutions." - Jukka Sallinen, CEO, Nomentia
Staria and Nomentia are both committed leveraging their combined strengths to empower NetSuite clients with enhanced financial services, enabling them to achieve greater success in today’s dynamic business landscape.
About Nomentia
Nomentia is a category leader within European treasury and cash management solutions. Nomentia’s mission is to provide unparalleled cloud treasury and cash management solutions for and with its customers. Nomentia is solving the challenges of modern treasurers and cash managers across 1400+ businesses in over 80 countries, processing more than 1 trillion euros annually. Nomentia solutions specialize in global payments, bank connectivity-as-service, cash forecasting and visibility, bank account management, financial process automation, treasury workflows, FX risk, in-house banking, and trade finance. Learn more at
About Staria
Staria helps growth companies evolve into international level superstars. Staria has strong expertise in technology leveraged growth – it is the leading NetSuite partner in Europe, and it has specialized in SuiteApp development. Staria has published 10 NetSuite SuiteApp localizations and INFlow SuiteApp. The company offers international financial administration services in over 40 countries with a unique one stop delivery model. Some of the most successful growth companies in Europe trust Staria's services. Learn more at
Omat tagit
Staria - Asiantuntijat ja yhteyshenkilöt
Kai Kortteinen
Finland Country Manager
NetSuite-järjestelmäratkaisut. ERP-, BI-, talous- ja palkkapalvelumme tukevat kansainvälistä kasvua. Staria on Pohjoismaiden johtava NetSuite-kumppani.Menestyksemme perustuu .. | | +358 44 7609 432 |
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