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ReferenssiScalable software architecture to reinforce agile data warehousing service.

UnSeen Labs defined a new scalable software architecture for agile data warehousing solution, which solves high volumes of data inputting and helps in processing the required type of data effectively. Solita got a clear direction in which to continue with the solution development. 

Architecture study with agile UnSeen Labs 

Developing new services is usually done internally, but to solve the resourcing needs, UnSeen was chosen to co-operate in the project. UnSeen had convinced with a strong experience in R&D, in different technologies including IoT solutions, in generalizing the solutions and combining all this expertise together.

It was easy and quick to start the project with agile UnSeen Labs, where the problem was crystallized at the beginning and the process was easily agreed. During the one-week Labs-time, the research, consideration of the choices and the proposal for the best option for an architecture, were accomplished. The results and a way to proceed were presented to Solita.

Working with UnSeen was easy and the common understanding about the problem to be solved was quickly found. Not much time had to be used to explaining and specification. The work could be started right away and accomplished smoothly, since no time was needed for unnecessary bureaucracy typically required with large companies.

More information:
Esa Alanen, CEO, UnSeen Technologies, +358 50 4874 092

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UnSeen has unique combination of technical, R&D and business expertise – wide scope of competence, yet deep know-how. It was easy to find the right angle to the problem to be solved. Not to mention the easy to approachability and co-operability.

Pasi Jalonen, Solita Agile Data Solutions

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Tilaaja: Solita
Ajankohta: 2018
Esa Alanen


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