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Software security implementation with INSIDE Secure

INSIDE Secure ( Euronext Paris FR0010291245 – INSD ) provides comprehensive embedded security solutions. World-leading companies rely on INSIDE Secure’s mobile security and secure transaction offerings to protect critical assets including connected devices, content, services, identity and transactions. Unmatched security expertise combined with a comprehensive range of IP, semiconductors, software and associated services gives INSIDE Secure customers a single source for advanced solutions and superior investment protection.

As a global leader in software security technologies, INSIDE Secure had a need to extend their research and development capacity and to speed up the development of the new generations of INSIDE Secure’s software security products.

INSIDE Secure partnered with Intopalo in the research and development of new software security technologies. Intopalo’s security specialists innovated and implemented powerful protection technologies together with the customer’s security specialists. Naturally, the development work was conducted using secure software engineering methodologies such as threat modeling.

In this development initiative, Intopalo’s R&D cell had a holistic responsibility from specification and architecture to a finished, tested and documented software security solution.

I’m impressed by Intopalo’s solid expertise in security technologies and software security implementation. Intopalo’s technical contribution has been ingenious and Intopalo has always kept the agreed schedules. The results of our collaboration provided a much bigger step in terms of protective strength than we expected. The Intopalo R&D cell way of working fits nicely into our way of working and gives the flexibility to adjust the project direction as needed. Intopalo’s model is very convenient as it includes hardly any management overhead. I get just the right amount of visibility and, on the other hand, the right level of initiative.

Joonas Pylkkänen
Director, INSIDE Secure

Specification, documentation, and implementation of software security technologies for INSIDE Secure’s world-leading Software Protection products. For more, see www.insidesecure.com.


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