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Cygate selects Cinode for more efficient Skills Management


Cygate and Telia Professional Services implements Cinode to manage competence, CVs and matching of requested skills with available employees.

– Cinode will make it significantly easier for us to find the right skills and streamline staffing. We are also increasing the possibility of staffing between units and geographies, shortening the sales cycle for consultants and improving our forecasts, says Fredrik Sidmar, CEO of Cygate and Head of Telia Professional Services.

Today, organizations lack internal structure and knowledge to manage their most important asset – employee competence. The competence needs to be gathered, visualized and constantly developed. To succeed, digital tools and processes are required that create transparency and avoid person-dependence. It forms the basis for individualized personal development, higher employee engagement and a stronger brand.

– After a thorough procurement process we are extremely proud of this partnership with Cygate and Telia, says Johan Haeger, Head of Enterprise Sales at Cinode. Cinode continues to expand rapidly as the leading platform in Skills Management with tens of thousands of users in more than 20 countries.

– We are impressed with how Cinode in a short time onboarded our organization in addition to sharing knowledge and insights that helped us create new workflows to manage skills, CVs and resource planning, says Fredrik.

For more information please contact: 

Johan Haeger

Head of Enterprise Sales, Cinode


0702 67 13 34

Fredrik Sidmar

CEO at Cygate and Head of Telia Professional Services


0725 09 80 10

About Cygate

Cygate is a Swedish IT company with strength and flexibility. Thanks to our long experience, our personal commitment, and not the least our passion for everything that is spelled IT, you are safe with us. We are part of Telia and on Sweden’s largest network we can offer locally produced and tailored IT services with both breadth and edge to help you realize your ideas. Our 750 employees in 20 locations in Sweden make it possible.

 Read more at www.cygate.se

About Telia Company

We’re Telia Company, the New Generation Telco. Our approximately 21,000 talented colleagues serve millions of customers every day in one of the world’s most connected regions. With a strong connectivity base, we’re the hub in the digital ecosystem, empowering people, companies, and societies to stay in touch with everything that matters 24/7/365 – on their terms. Headquartered in Stockholm, the heart of innovation and technology, we’re set to change the industry and bring the world even closer for our customers. 

Read more at www.teliacompany.com

About Cinode

We are Cinode, a platform that demystifies and matches your skills. Our vision is to change how talents are matched with the right challenge – within and between companies – so that everyone gets the same opportunities to make their talents and ambitions visible. Take control of competence and enable the right talent to be matched with the right assignment.

Founded in 2010, the Cinode platform is the market leader in skills management and seamless sourcing with users in more than 20 countries. read more at www.cinode.com  

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