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IsoSkills kokemuksia

IsoSkills:lla on yhteensä 4 suosittelijaa ja asiakaskokemusta. IsoSkills kokemuksia –sivu koostaa yhteen ne asiakaskokemukset, suositukset ja suosittelijat, jotka IsoSkills Oy on liittänyt referensseihinsä.

ReferenssiQA and Test automation

"''IsoSkills has shown good competence while working with us in the QA area, both onsite and remote, manual and automation testing.‘’ "

-- Gian C., Managing Director, Futurice Germany

Näytä referenssi

ReferenssiWe are very pleased to have a long-term partnership with IsoSkills

"¨We are very pleased to have a long-term partnership with IsoSkills. The consultants recommended by your company are very professional, experienced and work hard, and they have made good contribution for our testing work. Thanks a lot for your help and support!¨"

-- Larry Huawei Technologies Oy (Finland)

Näytä referenssi

ReferenssiCodeman and IsoSkills are working in tight collaboration

"Codeman and IsoSkills are working in tight collaboration together to serve clients in the Finnish IT sector. Codemen appreciates the flexibility and service mindset that IsoSkills demonstrates and serves our mutual clients. Working together in the Codemen network model with IsoSkills has proven to be an excellent model for our clients to bring forward senior expertise and best-in-class customer.."

-- Jussi-Pekka Peltonen Business Director, Codemen Oy

Näytä referenssi

ReferenssiIsoSkills is our trustful partner

"IsoSkills is our trustful partner in IT customer contracts in Project management and Testing areas. We have a good collaboration model, offering us necessary skills set, valued consultants and excellent services."

-- Outi K Account Manager, Experis

Näytä referenssi

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