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Wunderdog kokemuksia

Wunderdog:lla on yhteensä 4 suosittelijaa ja asiakaskokemusta. Wunderdog kokemuksia –sivu koostaa yhteen ne asiakaskokemukset, suositukset ja suosittelijat, jotka Wunderdog Oy on liittänyt referensseihinsä.

ReferenssiInvesting in a Good Idea

"We were impressed by how the Wunderdog team really took the lead on the technology and genuinely kept the success of Rahamylly as their first priority."

-- Markus Neimo, CEO of Rahamylly

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ReferenssiAdding more benefits to employee benefits

"I’m so glad to see how talented and professional you all are! We’re expecting great things going forward – and as you said in our retro, it shows the fantastic collaboration you guys have with the developers. "

-- Project Manager at Smartum

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ReferenssiDelivering justice for young people online

"When it comes to partners it is not just the people but the organization as a whole that needs to understand the core dynamics of a startup. Wunderdog has been the right partner for us."

-- Jarno Vuorenmaa, CTO Someturva

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ReferenssiCollaboration is in our DNA

"We appreciate Wunderdog's hard work, open communication and ability to take improvements forward"

-- Jussi Paananen, Chief Technology Officer at Blueprint Genetics

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