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Aiforsite: Cloud Engineer

RekryilmoitusType: Permanent, full-time  

Work hours: 37,5 hours per week

Starting date: As soon as possible, negotiable

Location: Keilaranta 1, 02150 Espoo

Application deadline: 8.12.2021

Aiforsite aims to significantly reduce waste in construction projects. We will make a step-change in industry productivity by automating work tasks with artificial intelligence, industrializing and automating construction site data collection, providing the whole solution as a rapidly deployable solution, and quickly training end-users to reap benefits from day one. Real-time situational awareness creates value for all construction stakeholders and significantly enhances remote work. All this is possible with the Artificial Intelligence for Construction (AIC) technology solution developed by Aiforsite.

Our customers are the most significant construction companies in Finland and, to an increasing extent, also leading construction companies abroad (e.g. the USA, India). We have been operating since 2016 and have already digitized more than 80 construction sites. Our ever-growing staff consists of top experts in construction and technology.

Aiforsite is growing internationally and the solution needs to be scalable for today’s and future’s needs. This is where you come into the picture as we are looking for a Cloud Engineer to develop the solution’s cloud infrastructure. The platform is already built and it’s hosted in a public cloud environment accompanied by some pre-built automated DevOps pipelines. At Aiforsite, you have an important role to play in adding value to customers by digitizing actions and processes that have traditionally been manual and time-consuming. You have access to the latest technologies (AI, IoT, robotics, drones, cloud computing) and a network of the best experts in the field. 

Your responsibility will be further developing the cloud infrastructure to ensure the platform’s scalability. Your daily tasks include planning, setting up, scaling, optimizing, and maintaining cloud infrastructures. You will monitor production, resolve any faults, and ensure that services are up and running. Your role can be broadened into DevOps based on your experience and interests: your job might then also include automating continuous deployments and other infrastructure changes following the DevOps practices. We utilize the following tools and technologies: AWS, Azure, Linux, PostgreSQL, Kubernetes, Docker, Beanstalk, Jira, and Gitlab.

You will work with our external software development partner as well as with different internal stakeholders such as software developers and Digi Engineers who have expertise in the construction industry and understand the needs of the construction sites. As you will have a lot of cooperation with different stakeholders, you will need good interpersonal and communication skills. You will succeed in this position with solid experience in AWS and container technologies (e.g. Kubernetes) and an eagerness to follow technological trends in the modern cloud technology industry.

We hope you have: 

-At least a couple of years relevant work experience related to e.g. cloud platforms, software engineering, DevOps, or infrastructure administration

-Strong skills with AWS

-Knowledge and/or experience of container technologies (e.g. Kubernetes)

-Understanding of cloud infrastructures and scalable platforms (previous experience with e.g. Beanstalk is a plus)

-Good skills with Linux (administration, configuration, and running applications) and relational databases (e.g. PostgreSQL)

-Basic programming skills (at least scripting)

-Fluent skills in English

Bonus points:

-Skills with Azure

-Knowledge and/or experience of DevOps and IT automation and tools

-Finnish language skills


Aiforsite offers you: 

-An opportunity to become part of the digital transformation in the construction industry: Aiforsite has a huge potential in the market as a forerunner

-A responsible (and versatile, if you wish) role with great growth opportunities to deepen your expertise with e.g. both AWS and Azure or DevOps. We also offer internal career paths into directions such as a senior-level or a lead position.

-Challenging tasks related to building a scalable cloud environment

-Access to the latest technologies (AI, IoT, 360 video, robotics, drones, cloud computing) and an internal network of the best experts in the field - we have a lot of expertise internally so there’s no necessarily a need to define requirements with the client

-A relaxed atmosphere and benefits of a smaller company: in our product development things go forward rather quickly and everyone’s opinion is genuinely heard.

-Multicultural and multidisciplinary work environment

-A job in a secured, growing company with financial stability

-Flexible working hours and possibility for partly remote work - we cherish a good work-life balance

-Office in a central location in Keilaniemi

-An opportunity to complete AWS/Azure certifications

-Competitive salary

In this position, you will be employed directly by Aiforsite.

Did you get interested? Please submit your CV or LinkedIn profile (cover letter optional) by the latest 8th of December via our application system here: https://emp.jobylon.com/applications/jobs/105120/create/ . Feel free to mention your salary request, possible GitHub (or similar) profile, and preferred starting date in your application documents. Remember to use the application system, we do not accept applications by email.

You can familiarize yourself with Aiforsite here: https://aiforsite.com/en/. For more information about the recruitment process contact aTalent’s Recruitment Manager Miili Reponen (0504754889, miili.reponen(ät)atalent.fi). 

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Hakuaika: 24.11.2021 - 8.12.2021
Sijainti: Espoo
Linkki: https://atalent.fi/open-position/cloud-engineer-2


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