Industrial Hackathon Mikkelin Betoni 18.-19.3.2016

IndustrialhackinvitationMB_eng (PDF)Mikkeli Development Miksei Oy and Innovation Oy New Factory (Hermia Group) are arranging, together with their partners, an Industrial Hackathon in Mikkeli. The Hackathon will be cooperated by the Industry Modernization in South-Savo and the national DigiSyke –projects.
The target of the hackathon is to develop the productivity and employee wellness in the target SME, and to get the participating hackers and firms to know each other. Furthermore, the aim is to increase and spread the knowledge of the business opportunities of recent technical development.
The hacking will begin March 18, at 4 pm and end March 19, at 4 pm. Please sign up to the event from THE HOMEPAGE:
The target SME is Mikkelin Betoni Oy, and the challenges are described at homepage. Hackathon is facilitated by Observis Oy together with Mikkeli Development Miksei Oy, and the teams get sparring from Hacklab Mikkeli.
Do you know experts, who are willing to participate in the hacking? Please spread this invitation. If you want to join, sign up! More information: