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Fraktio Oy saavutti korkean luotettavuuden ja vakauden

ReferenssiHow Fraktio attained rock-solid stability.

About Fraktio
Fraktio puts people first. We build stunning web services and mobile applications. We help our customers from the first brainstorming session all the way to the product launch. With us, you will find vision, enthusiasm, design, and implementation. We are hardcore developers with soft values.

We help our customers develop new businesses and find new markets, as well as design and build new services for mobile and web. We also provide technology training to students and professionals with our customers ranging from startups to large companies.

After trialling many of the available providers, we felt it was the easiest to migrate to UpCloud. The freedom to jump right into the services without the need for sales negotiations or special service agreements were some of the big selling points. The new provider also needed to be based in Finland, which narrowed down the options.

Previous challenges
Our previous provider had constant problems with instability. They had grown past their apparent capabilities, which seemed to cause problems with reliability and lack of communication in case of issues.

We had a specific requirement to find a new Finnish provider mainly due to data security reasons. The service needed to be easy to get started on and provide a convenient payment method simply using a credit card. Equally importantly the storage backend had to perform well, provide advanced service redundancy, and offer solid reliability for stable operations.

Hosting on UpCloud
Our services are built on a number of cloud servers that are regularly backed up using the snapshot features. As per networking, we use additional IP addresses where needed and secure the servers with the firewall services.

Each running service is configured on an individual cloud server. All of our servers are custom configured to include the necessary services and components per our specifications. We also take care of all system updates and monitoring on behalf of our customers and ensure communication to our customers in case of an incident.

In addition to the fulfilled requirements bringing benefits by themselves, we have been enjoying the more competitive pricing. On top of that, the customer service is always very friendly and responsive thanks to UpCloud being far less corporate as a provider. This also helps us convey valuable information to our own customers should something go wrong.

Compared to our previous provider, there is a clear difference in server performance and usability. We are glad to be able to perform even complex operations much faster by ourselves right in the control panel.

Future plans
We are looking forward to possible features that would allow us to improve the high availability of our services.

Load balancing as a service is at the top of our wish list of new features from UpCloud. We would also like to see object storage including an interface compatible with other services providers such as Amazon S3, and an integrated database as a service.


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