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eSystems Nordic kokemuksia

eSystems Nordic:lla on yhteensä 6 suosittelijaa ja asiakaskokemusta. eSystems Nordic kokemuksia –sivu koostaa yhteen ne asiakaskokemukset, suositukset ja suosittelijat, jotka eSystems Nordic Oy on liittänyt referensseihinsä.

ReferenssiCRM-järjestelmällä parempaa asiakastyytyväisyyttä

"As we’ve become a more diverse business, we needed back-end systems and portals that could keep up. OutSystems has helped us create these quickly, while keeping complete control of our development.” "

-- Nélio Marques, IT Customer Care Manager, Via Verde

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ReferenssiVakuutusyhtiön myyntiin tehoa OutSystemsin lowcode-sovelluksilla

"The OutSystems platform supports a very important part of our business capabilities, both in the digital ecosystem and in business support applications. It has been able to evolve to help us respond to the company's strategy and the challenges of innovation. It’s our main strategic platform."

-- Maria Teresa Rosas, IT Director

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ReferenssiProsessiautomaatiosta ajansäästöä logistiikkayritykselle

"We chose a low-code platform for strategic reasons. Within Koopman, we discussed whether we were going to support our logistics processes with standard software, or build our own software. We ended up choosing the latter because IT really touches the heart of our organization. IT systems make a difference over the competition, and we wanted to have control over that."

-- Koopman’s Information Manager, Peter Oosterhoff

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ReferenssiJätteidenkäsittelyn IoT-sovellus lisäsi ISB Globalin tehokkuutta 30 %

"The speed and simplicity of developing apps and managing code in OutSystems helps us optimize our customers’ operations—and it means we can take full advantage of new opportunities in the growing IoT market.” "

-- Chris Williams, Managing Director, ISB Global

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ReferenssiLow code-applikaatiot vauhdittamassa digitaalista transformaatiota Schneiderilla

"We saw a low-code platform as a catalyst to bridge the gap between business demands and the available IT resources. We chose OutSystems, and now we have an engine in place that’s fueling the digital transformation at Schneider Electric"

-- Amarpreet Kaur, Director – RAD/Low-Code Platforms, Schneider Digital

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ReferenssiVopakin työntekijöille 50 % lisää tehokkuutta OutSystemsillä

"OutSystems enables us to build our own custom applications, bringing them to the business as a PaaS, and implementing changes extremely fast. This gives Vopak the ability to innovate the company's core processes, really putting us on the forefront compared to our competition."

-- Leo Brand, CIO of Vopak

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