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Epec kokemuksia

Epec:lla on yhteensä 5 suosittelijaa ja asiakaskokemusta. Epec kokemuksia –sivu koostaa yhteen ne asiakaskokemukset, suositukset ja suosittelijat, jotka Epec Oy on liittänyt referensseihinsä.

ReferenssiNT Liftec

"NT Liftec chose Epec as IoT solution provider, because we have good experiences of their products and they are easy to work with. The Epec products are reliable and their new GlobE platform fits our needs perfectly. GlobE also enables us to customize and modify the reports and dashboard views ourselves, ensuring a fast response to the different needs of our customers. Rolling out new machines.."

-- Raimo Ukkonen, Development Manager, NT Liftec

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"Working with Epec is precise, yet easy and natural. Epec’s delivery reliability is extremely high and deliveries are done with care. I am also satisfied with the way how Epec utilizes our customers’ views and suggestions for future product development and assortment planning."

-- Pauliina Kunvik, Director, Product Portfolio Management, HIAB Demountables

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"The technical support that Epec provides is important for us; we always get help when we need it and we are never left hanging. We also feel that the co-operation has been very flexible, all the necessary matters have been taken into consideration on both sides."

-- Vesa Mäkelä, R&D Director and partner, Dometal

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"We like to offer our clients tailored solutions and develop our machines’ control system to fit every special need. Epec’s flexible overall solution and software allows us to further develop the control system our self and provide even better usability and performance. Lastly, our new compactors are used in conditions where dirt, dust and small metal particles are daily life. Epec’s.."

-- Halvor Skråstad, Orkel AS

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ReferenssiHusqvarna Demolition Robots

"The training has been very professional and has helped us shorten the start-up of new recruits. We are very pleased with the cooperation with Epec. If we have any problems, we receive fast and good help from them. They have always been able to help, they are very knowledgeable."

-- Fredrik Theander, Husqvarna

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