Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a form of business process automation software based on metaphorical robots, bots, artificial intelligence (AI) or digital workers.
Automation software emulates human actions with digital systems and other software and can be programmed or modified to do things like; understand what’s on a screen, complete the right keystrokes, navigate systems, identify and extract data, or perform a wide range of other actions.
RPA Offloads the routine tasks from humans
RPA business benefits are self-evident. By replacing human work with computers, you can reduce labour costs and, improved process quality and operational reliability, which gives you more time to focus on the core business and on what people are good at.
More work on more productive tasks means more added value. But just as importantly, more meaningful tasks mean more satisfied humans and that once again translates into increased productivity.
RPA extends the lifespan of your current IT systems and expands their functionalities.
Software refreshes are often expensive capital investments that never last long enough. Even with cloud adoption, practices still face cyclical software upgrades.
Applying RPA allows your company to use existing software for a prolonged period by enabling new functionalities required by your business. The Added value will transform pain points in operational processes into competitive advantages instead.
?Talk with us. Automate everything else.
You may want RPA, intelligent automation, impactful automation, hyperautomation or just automation. We all know the term doesn’t matter. What matters is the execution and that is where we thrive. With our help you can automate any business process, across any IT system landscape, at any scale.
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Ohjelmistorobotiikka | |
Tekoäly (AI) ja koneoppiminen |
SKALER:n Ohjelmistorobotiikka -aiheiset referenssit ja julkaisut
Asiantuntijat ja yhteyshenkilöt
It- ja ohjelmistoalan työpaikat
- Laura - Systems Engineer
- Laura - C++/Qt-kehittäjä
- Laura - Tietohallintopäällikkö
- Fellowmind - Senior UI/UX Designer
- Fellowmind - Business Intelligence Consultant
- Laura - Gaming Product Security Lead
- Laura - Suunnittelupäällikkö – TECH
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Tapahtumat & webinaarit
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