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Vice President, Cyber & Security Domain


RekryilmoitusPatria is a workplace where you build common security. At Patria, ordinary people solve extraordinary challenges. When it comes to critical operations on land, sea, air and networks, expertise is vital. Quality is in people – in each and every one of us. You make a difference. For more information, please visit www.patriagroup.com.

Patria is now seeking for 

Vice President, Cyber & Security Domain

We are looking for a person who has a deep understanding of long-term strategic development of the cyber domain and its key implications to Patria’s customers. You will be part of Domain Leader team (Air, Land, Sea and Cyber & Security) reporting to EVP, Finland. In your role you will support Patria’s sales globally and be a key contributor to Patria’s portfolio development. 

Your responsibilities

  • provide senior military expertise in the cyber domain
  • provide defence related political-military advice in domain related decisions
  • to understand customers’ acquisition possibilities and development roadmaps in mid- and long-term timeframe
  • support portfolio development in identifications of current and future customer needs
  • be in close contact with senior level defence stakeholders
  • develop and maintain wide and deep industrial network within the cyber domain

Our expectations

You have a wide understanding of defence planning process, acquisition policy and decision-making process from planning to execution. You have relevant intelligence or C5 background. You have a deep knowledge of the cyber domain’s key operational principles and end-users needs and capability gaps, to support Patria’s marketing and sales activities as well as portfolio development. You are fluent in networking and working in an international environment. We expect that you are ready to perform in high level customer meetings as well as in industry conferences. You are willing to travel.

We offer you interesting and varied tasks in an international operational environment with possibilities to grow in an accomplished work community, accompanied by Patria corporation’s personnel benefits. You are preferably located in any of Patria’s locations in Finland.

For additional information, do not hesitate to contact

  • Jussi Järvinen; EVP, Finland, tel. 040 869 6625 on 28.10. 16–18 or 29.10. 16–18
  • Mikko Viitaniemi; SVP, Joint & Security Business Area, tel. 040 869 2268 on 26.10. 12-16 or 4.11. 13-16.

Why Patria?

  • Securing society: we are proud to advance national and international security. It requires a responsible attitude and excellence that guarantees reliability in all conditions.
  • You have an impact: at Patria, you have an impact in the contents of your work, career development, your clients’ and the whole company’s success. You can be as good as you can ever be.
  • Focus on the essential: do what you love and see the results of your work. You are crucial to us. We want you to be well and live a full life.
  • A great bunch of people: we work in innovative and energetic teams where smiling is allowed. We believe that the best results are achieved in a good atmosphere.
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Hakuaika: 20.10.2021 - 5.11.2021
Sijainti: Espoo
Useita mahdollisia paikkakuntia
Linkki: https://rekrytointi.com/avoimet-tyopaikat/patria/vice-president-cyber-security-domain/1313715/


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