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System Support Engineer (MES)


System Support Engineer (MES)

As a System Support Engineer (MES) you will be assigned to ongoing customer support for small and medium sized development projects related to existing systems at customer sites. Successful performance of the work requires skills in proactively working with the customer to evaluate customer needs and requests in order to make enhancements and implement changes, as well as ensure a well-documented process is adhered to (Input, tools, documentation, deliverables & schedule).

To be successful in this role, you have the ability to function independently and undertake various roles within the service/project team as needed. You will be supported by the service and project teams and the customers Lead engineer. You will be required to work in a service/project environment – designing, documenting, and delivering Honeywell solutions in at various client locations in the Northern Europe. These solutions involve multiple different industrial software applications such as OptiVision suite. Strong IT knowledge related to MS Windows servers and databases is preferred.


  • Contributing to Digitalization initiatives with domain expertise and strategies
  • Designing, development and testing of the changes and enhancements for the existing P&P MES systems along with its associated applications
  • Involvement in supply chain applications (Integration work such as ERP and more)
  • Proactively help developing support resource plan and support schedule in coordination with Lead engineer
  • Serve as single point of contact for technical execution to the Lead engineer/Program manager
  • Manage the technical configuration of the solution
  • Producing and/or verifying and/or approving project/program documentation Acceptance Test Procedures, As-built and close out presentations
  • Coordinate with Local & Global team to ensure an on-time delivery & quality deliverables
  • Monitoring progress on a day-to-day basis for all team activities (ensure regular team meetings)
  • Support and manage software delivery, integration testing and startup activities
  • Proactively collaborate with Development/Product team to ensure development schedules are properly aligned to the customer requirements

  • Bachelor/master’s degree in engineering or IT
  • Relevant software/IT background including good understanding of SQL server databases
  • Minimum 3 years of relevant experience within the process industry (P&P is preferred)
  • Strong Customer facing experience with good knowledge of scoping and change management as service supporter. Very good under-standing of customer business & operations process in P&P do-main
  • Fluent in Finnish and English
  • Swedish language skills is advantageous
  • Willingness to be part of 24/7 on call remote support team

We offer:

  • A thorough introduction to a successful and innovative company
  • Flexible and modern work as well as individual development and training opportunities
  • A versatile area of ??responsibility with varied activities
  • A well-coordinated, friendly and motivated team
  • Attractive remuneration package
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Hakuaika: 13.12.2021 - 12.1.2022
Sijainti: Varkaus
Linkki: https://rekrytointi.com/avoimet-tyopaikat/honeywell/system-support-engineer-mes/1358240/


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