System Specialist
IT-Services at Hanken School of Economics in Helsinki are searching for a
System Specialist
We are now searching for a person who can help us administrate and develop our infrastructure environment.
The responsibility area over spans the following areas:
- The virtual server environment (Nutanix AHV)
- Administration of Microsoft Windows Servers (e.g. AD, AD CS, VPN, MECM)
- LAN/Wifi-network, Routers & DNS configuration
- Data backup and recovery
- Acting as one of our server room administrators.
We expect you to at least have deeper hands-on experience from some of these key areas, as well as willingness to broaden your knowledge and skills. The type of work tasks includes operational work (system maintenance), end user support (ticket requests handling) as well as infrastructural development (project work).
To be able to work successfully in this position, you need to be well organized and able to handle technical details. The work requires both the ability to work independently as well as good cooperation and problem-solving skills. You follow the IT technology development, thrive in work environments with high expertise and with the idea of continuously developing yourself and see the impact of your own work. We value broad IT knowledge and an active and flexible work approach as well as experience from infrastructural development and Microsoft Azure.
The administrative language at Hanken is Swedish. At least basic Swedish language skills are strongly recommended, but not mandatory in this position. In our international environment and in the work with our domestic partners, skills in Finnish or English are emphasized. A strong skill level in Finnish or English (both written and spoken) is mandatory. Swedish skills are seen as a merit.
We wish you to have an appropriate degree from the IT field and experience from similar tasks. If a formal degree is missing it can be compensated with extended previous work experience in a similar area of responsibility.
We offer
We are offering an interesting and social work in an international business school with an informal work environment and committed and ambitious employees. The salary is determined based on the university’s salary system which consist of a base salary and an individual salary part, determined by your qualifications, work experience and work result. The total salary is approximately 3400 – 4300 euros/month. The employment contract is until further notice. Employment starts as soon as possible according to agreement. The trial period is 6 months.
Employment benefits are: lunch benefit, exercise/cultural benefit (ePassi), gym card at reduced staff price, employee healthcare, flexible working hours and possibility to partly work remotely. In addition, with long relevant work experience (+15 years) 8 weekdays extra holiday/year.
More information and applications
Further information is provided by Head of IT, Magnus Sippel ( The application should be submitted via Hanken’s application database LAURA, no later than 19.02.2023.
IT-Services at Hanken are responsible for planning, developing, and maintaining the IT environment at the university. The responsibility includes network and server operation, end-user support as well as management of IT services. In co-operation with other actors within the university, a key responsibility is long term development planning IT-Services. Hanken’s IT department operates in both Helsinki and Vaasa.
Hanken Svenska handelshögskolan
Om du är intresserad av ekonomi och samhälle erbjuder Hanken dig en internationellt välkänd och uppskattad utbildning av högsta kvalitet. Hos oss skapar du dig nätverk för livet, får personlig handledning och möjlighet att ta framgångsrika steg i karriären.
Hakuaika: | 27.1.2023 - 19.2.2023 |
Sijainti: | Helsinki |
Linkki: | |
Tietohallinto |
It-infrapalvelut |
IT |
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