Swedish Speaking IT Support Specialist
With offices in 80 countries, Manpower is one of the largest contingent and permanent staffing firms globally, and the market leader in the Nordic and Baltic countries. In Finland we are one of the largest companies specializing in recruitment, temporary staffing and assessments. We help employers find competent and motivated professionals for interim and permanent positions at all organizational levels. We serve our clients and candidates across the nation. Manpower is an authorized private employment agency.
Manpower client EVRY is one of the Nordic region`s largest tech and consulting companies. By expanding the team in Riga, Latvia we are looking for a dedicated and helpful SWEDISH SPEAKING IT SERVICE DESK SPECIALIST.
– Solve customer inquiries using various communication tools (telephone,e-mail,Skype,ticketing system)
– Troubleshoot problems and offer solutions (using internal knowledge base)
– Ensure high level customer satisfaction and other performance metrics according to company`s quality standards
– Interact daily with clients, team members and IT technicians
– Fluent Swedish and English(at least B2 level)
– Solid computer skills and interest in IT field
– Analytical and problem-solving skills
– Fast learner and curious personality with multitasking skills
– Team player with excellent communication skills
– Scandinavian work environment and values that treat EVRYone with respect and dignity
– Competitive remuneration, solid benefits package and great working conditions (performance bonus, fully covered health insurance, monthly sports compensation, various social activities, etc.)
– Relocation support
Sound interesting?
For more information please contact Ginta Grigorjeva (Ginta.Grigorjeva@manpower.lv).
Wait no longer and apply NOW through the application link .
Hae tätä työpaikkaa: tai kopioi linkki ja liitä selaimen osoiteriville: https://www.manpower.fi/fin/tyon-haku/tyo/65501dd8-2685-42f4-a942-8077823d1254
Hakuaika: | 22.8.2019 - 30.9.2019 |
Linkki: | https://rekrytointi.com/avoimet-tyopaikat/manpower-oy/swedish-speaking-it-support-specialist-latvia-riga/673063/ |
Asiakaspalvelu |
It-infra loppukäyttäjäpalvelut |
IT |
Laura:n muita rekryilmoituksia
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- Laura - Designer
- Efima Oyj - Power Platform Architect
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Tapahtumat & webinaarit
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- 30.10.2024 - Nordic NetSuite Summit 2024
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