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SW Architect


RekryilmoitusDo you want the opportunity to work with innovative technologies and best practices of modern software development? We are looking for an experienced and passionate SW Architect to do on-site work on our customer premises in Helsinki area or Hyvinkää. You will be working with a team of experts enjoying an excellent workplace spirit. Your work will have high added value for our customers, as a good software architecture plays a vital role in making successful and long-lived software product.

You will be participating in design and implementation of our customers systems and software architectures. This means that you need to understand the systems from wires and bits level to business requirements. You will be expected to document the architectures and interfaces so that all the stakeholders can understand them, make testable and maintainable designs, and do some rock-solid coding yourself as well. This job requires several years’ experience in SW Architecture Design, C/C++ development, embedded systems and test automation. You have Master's degree in technology, natural sciences or mathematics, or an equivalent education and good communication and presentation skills in English.

To be successful in this job you need to have:

  • 3+ years experience in SW Architecture Design
  • 10+ years experience in C/C++ development
  • 3+ years experience in embedded systems
  • 3+ years experience in test automation
  • Good command of common SW development tools (git, Jenkins, bug trackers, wikis, Jira/Version1)
  • Appreciation of agile methods (Scrum, Kanban)

Also, deep knowledge in several of the following areas will be appreciated:

  • Linux-based systems and applications
  • Information Security, Cybersecurity
  • IoT, Cloud, microservices, containers
  • Networking protocols and connectivity
  • High-availability, distributed systems
  • Knowledge in modeling languages such as UML, SysML
  • Test automation and script languages (Robot Framework, Python, JavaScript)
  • System Architecture design
  • Project Management
  • Electronics and manufacturing

Most of our teams are working at our customer’s premises, but we often meet and spend time together in team meetings and personnel events. We offer you a wide range of benefits and you can develop your competence with us – we are a certified ISTQB platinum partner and a leading trainer in the area of agile development, testing, automation and DevOps.

Check out our blog: we.knowit.fi

More information

More information about the job from Markku Degerholm, Senior Software Architect and Team Leader, markku.degerholm(a)knowit.fi, mob. +358 44 563 9408.

Join our team?

Send your application and CV by clicking the application button. We process applications and keep interviews through the entire application period. The possibility to apply ends when we find the best candidates.

Knowit is a consultancy firm which creates unique client value by offering interdisciplinary deliveries in three business fields: Experience, Insight and Solutions. Design and communication, management consultancy and technology competencies are combined in Knowit’s services. We are more than 2,000 employees in Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark and Germany. Knowit AB (publ) is listed on the OMX Nordic Exchange in Stockholm. Knowit – Creating Digital Opportunities. Further information: www.knowit.fi and www.knowit.eu.

Knowit logo


Hakuaika: -
Sijainti: Hyvinkää
Linkki: https://www.knowit.fi/avoimet-tyopaikat/sw-system-architect/
Yhteydenotto: markku.degerholm@knowit.fi


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Ketterät menetelmät
Testaus ja laadunvarmistus



Omat tagit

Robot Framework

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