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Security specialist


RekryilmoitusJoin our team to develop world’s best security products! 

Bittium specializes in secure devices and systems, e.g., our Tough Mobile® phones have been certified for the national Confidential level classified data transfer (NCSA-FI). Now we are looking for a new member for our team that focuses on ensuring information security from HW to SW-level in various R&D projects. This is a position where you will get to work on a wide variety of projects, products, and solutions, and if you have the zest for it, you can contribute into our in-house R&D work development and optimizing. The location for this job is in Oulu and Espoo.

Here you can develop into a genuine multitalent in your field – or maybe you already are one! Realistically we believe, that in such a complexed and continuously developing area of expertise we’re lucky to find a person with a solid basic knowledge and sovereignty in one special area, combined with enthusiasm to learn new things each day. We appreciate your can-do-attitude, positive and open relation to your fellows, willingness, and ability to share the relevant information with our team – even if you are not the biggest of extroverts.

In your role you will:

  • Drive or work in security related development projects as a security specialist
  • Ensure that security risk levels are integrated into projects’ overall risk management plans

You will need these:

  • Confident skills in C/C++
  • Embedded systems programming experience
  • Experience in HW secure boot cryptography
  • Hands on experience on secure information solutions architecture
  • Fluency in written and spoken English

Experience on these will be helpful:

  • Java, Python, Bash
  • Standards, like FIPS or Common Criteria
  • Secure features in Android
  • Threat Analysis & Penetration testing
  • Familiarity with secure HW components
  • Technologies like Arm TrustZone, TPM, IPSEC & OpenSSL

Interested? Send your application already today; we’re contacting potential candidates even before the end of apply period.

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Hakuaika: 6.4.2023 - 13.6.2023
Sijainti: Espoo, Oulu
Linkki: https://rekrytointi.com/avoimet-tyopaikat/bittium-wireless-oy/security-specialist/2108536/


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