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Microsoft 365 Specialist


RekryilmoitusSofor focuses on creating smart work environments and solutions for sustainable business. We are the backbone that ensures the development of our customers’ business operations and processes, from more efficient use of applications to data integration and analysis accurately, securely, and efficiently.

Join our team as a Microsoft 365 Specialist.

We are looking for a senior level Microsoft 365 specialist. Your task is to plan and implement modern IT solutions that utilize Microsoft 365 and/or Microsoft Azure technologies for our client companies. You get to participate in interesting projects that consist of the following tasks: IT architecture design and modernization work, development and productization of Microsoft 365 services with information security in mind, planning and implementation of data, server and workstation migrations, and terminal device management projects. Hopefully you are excited about the new, because we are constantly testing and piloting new technologies before we are introducing them as solutions for our customers. You are also sparring with sales and creating solutions for customers. In this position good negotiation, interaction and presentation skills are necessary.

We expect you to have a strong knowledge of Microsoft 365 products, e.g., Teams and Sharepoint and knowledge of access management (AD, Azure AD, hybrid identity). We value Microsoft certifications. You can also complete certifications in the future – with us you learn new things, develop, and grow professionally towards architect level, if you are not there yet. Knowledge of Windows Server is an advantage. Certificates required: MS-500 and it would be nice of you have at least one of following certificates: MS-100, MS-101, MS-700 and MS-203.

Sofor as a workplace

We are the team of specialists that performs the interesting tasks in the industry with precision, flexibility, and an uncompromising attitude – watch a video of a few team members. The work we do is visible and influential, even when we work at the backend.

We are happy to work with the some of the international companies and Finnish public sector actors, check out our references here. Cooperation with them may require a security clearance.

You can choose the location of your workplace – our offices are in Helsinki, Kauhava, Tampere, Vaasa and Turku. Our way of working and our tools support remote work well.

We take care of our employees – we offer comprehensive healthcare services and insurance 24/7, as well as an ePassi service that supports hobbies.

Recruitment is handled by Jouni Kantonen, telephone 050 364 3010 or jouni.kantonen@datoil.com. Contact Jouni if you would like to hear more about the assignment or submit an application.

The search is open until we find a suitable expert. The work will start according to the agreement.

Sofor Oy logo


Hakuaika: 22.8.2022 - 18.9.2022
Sijainti: Helsinki
You can choose the location of your workplace – our offices are in Helsinki, Kauhava, Tampere, Vaasa and Turku. Our way of working and our tools support remote work well.
Linkki: https://www.sofor.fi/news/microsoft-365-specialist/
Yhteydenotto: jouni.kantonen@datoil.com


Ilmoitus yrityksen kotisivuilla Yritysprofiilii Sofor kotisivut






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