Saarijärvi Infra – Reporting solution for mobile workforce
Saarijärvi Infra are experts in infrastructure construction with the focus on electricity network construction. With nearly 30 years of experience, they have grown into a multinational company with projects in Finland and Northern Europe.
Work is done in the field on the construction sites and it needs to be documented and reported to various stakeholders. Their main challenge was managing the data and improving the flow of information between the teams on the field and the supervisors, office personnel and clients. Their existing solution required a lot of manual work and it was inefficient and error prone.
The Saarijärvi team had a vision and concept in mind on how to streamline their reporting, increase productivity and give them a competitive advantage in the field. Saarijärvi Infra partnered with Riimu to acquire the technical expertise in order to make the vision a reality.
The solution was to build an easy to use mobile application and an accompanying web based admin application. The field workers use the mobile app to report the work from the excavation sites during the different phases of the work. Using the admin application the supervisors and office personnel can easily access the documents from each construction site based on the location and the users. In addition to this, a system for managing work orders was built to improve the way the projects are managed.
The system was built using modern technologies and tools that allow great productivity and easy maintenance. Flutter was chosen as the technology for building the mobile application, allowing quick development for all mobile platforms. The Web UI of the admin application was built using React.JS, while the backend is based on a serverless architecture and is deployed on AWS.
“The project offered an interesting challenge and gave us the opportunity to solve a real world business problem and to immediately see the impact of our work. It was a pleasure to work with the Saarijärvi team!”
- Goran Atanasovski, Lead Developer on the project
Having been in production for a while now, the benefits can already be seen. The time spent on reporting and tracking the progress of the work has gone down significantly. The field workers can easily document the work and the admins have a quick and easy way of accessing the information. This allows the Saarijärvi team to focus on developing their business, instead of reporting details. By working together with Riimu to build a tailor made solution, Saarijärvi got a system that matches their exact business needs and they have control of the future of the system.
The key factors contributing to the success of the project were excellent domain expertise from Saarijärvi, strong technical knowledge from Riimu and great team communication.
“Riimu has been a professional and flexible partner to work with. Their technical expertise is high and the quality of work is excellent. We look forward to working with them again in the future.”
- Mikko Hyvärinen, Production Manager - Saarijärvi Infra
Riimu has been a professional and flexible partner to work with. Their technical expertise is high and the quality of work is excellent. We look forward to working with them again in the future.
Mikko Hyvärinen
Tilaaja: | Saarijärvi Infra Oy |
Ajankohta: | 2020 - 2021 |
Toimittajan yhteyshenkilö: |
Ville Saarinen |
BI ja raportointi | |
Projektinhallinta | |
Tuotekehitys ja suunnittelu |
Käyttöliittymäsuunnittelu | |
Mobiilikehitys | |
Ohjelmistokehitys | |
Webkehitys |
Rakentaminen |
Amazon Web Services | |
Android | |
iOS | |
React | |
Javascript |
Tarjonnan tyyppi
Konsultointi | |
Toteutustyö | |
Tuki- ja ylläpitotyö |
Omat tagit
Riimu Solutions - Asiantuntijat ja yhteyshenkilöt
Riimu Solutions - Muita referenssejä
Riimu Solutions - Muita bloggauksia
It- ja ohjelmistoalan työpaikat
- Webscale Oy - Sales Manager
- Efima Oyj - Technical Architect, Microsoft Dynanics 365
- Laura - Ohjelmistoprojektien laatupäällikkö
- Laura - UX Designer
- Laura - Senior HRIS asiantuntija
- Laura - Designer
- Efima Oyj - Power Platform Architect
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- Masinotek Oy - Lakeuden Etapille Masinotekin kehittämä EMMI-järjestelmä ympäristöseurantaan
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Tapahtumat & webinaarit
- 21.10.2024 - EDI-asiantuntijaksi -koulutus
- 22.10.2024 - Rakettiwebinaari: tietoturva softakehityksessä
- 30.10.2024 - Nordic NetSuite Summit 2024
- 30.10.2024 - Webinaari: Hakukoneoptimointi on strateginen valinta
- 19.11.2024 - The Future of Software - Embracing Collaboration in an AI-Powered World
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