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Redefining Digital Insurance for Vodafone

ReferenssiVodafone, a leading telecommunications company, aimed to expand into the competitive digital insurance market. Facing fierce competition, low conversion rates, and complex regulations, Vodafone partnered with Hellon to redefine its expansion strategy and insurance offering through human-centred service design expertise.

The results were remarkable: conversion rates grew by +300%, revenue increased by 19%, and the service expanded from two to nine markets. The project also secured a spot in the Service Design Awards 2024 Finals, setting a new benchmark for the industry.


Entering the fiercely competitive digital insurance market is no easy task, with challengers disrupting the industry and strict regulations adding complexity.

Seeking to leverage synergies between telecommunications and insurance, Vodafone set out to diversify its offerings by entering this high-growth sector. However, establishing a strong market presence, building brand credibility, and integrating digital insurance with its existing telecom services for a seamless customer experience proved challenging. Their initial market entry struggled, with the shift to digital platforms resulting in low conversion rates, prompting Vodafone to partner with Hellon.

The objective was clear: to create a customer-centric digital insurance offering that stood out in a crowded market, boosted conversion rates, and seamlessly integrated with existing services. The target market included Vodafone’s telecom customers across Europe, where cultural differences played a crucial role in shaping customer behaviour.

This ambitious endeavour demanded innovative solutions and a deep understanding of both the telecommunications and insurance sectors, setting the stage for a transformative journey.


To tackle these challenges, the project began with comprehensive market and customer research, including surveys, in-depth interviews, and cultural analysis across European markets.

  • This research identified three key customer segments, each with distinct needs, helping the team build a detailed understanding of customer behaviours and preferences. With these insights, the team tailored insurance offerings to resonate with each segment, ensuring a customer-centric approach that boosted satisfaction and engagement.

Customer experiences were visualised using journey maps and service blueprints to map service delivery processes. The team applied Hellon's Triple Diamond Approach, combining co-creation workshops, iterative prototyping, and user testing to refine solutions based on real customer feedback.

  • This process ensured the final product met user needs and preferences, resulting in innovative insurance concepts such as dynamic risk-based pricing and modular insurance bundles that stood out in a crowded market.

The solution seamlessly integrated with Vodafone’s telecom services, enhancing the customer journey with faster claims processes, transparent communication, and empathetic support tailored to each segment.

Armed with Hellon’s insights and a concrete action plan, Vodafone crafted a digital insurance proposition that not only resonated with customers but also outshined competitors in performance.


The design-led approach not only met but exceeded the initial objectives, demonstrating the transformative power of human-centric design, proving that even the most challenging market environments can be successfully navigated with the right approach.

The project resulted in significant business improvements, including

  • Conversion Rates: Increased from 2% to 8% (300% increase).
  • Landing Page Dropout Rate: Decreased from 68% to 43%.
  • Customer Base Growth: Increased by 21%.
  • Revenue Growth: Increased by 19%.
  • New Markets: from 2 to 9.

The innovative insurance offering was successfully scaled from two to nine markets globally, setting new benchmarks in digital insurance, improving customer loyalty, and enhancing the company's brand trust.

Finalist in Service Design Awards 2024

Vodafone's new digital insurance proposition expanded from two to nine markets, showcasing the power of a human-centric, design-led approach. This success earned a spot in the finals of the prestigious Service Design Network Awards, affirming Hellon's role in reshaping industries through thoughtful innovation.

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Tilaaja: Vodafone
Ajankohta: 2022


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