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Long-distance remote collaboration: Augumenta SmartEyes helps JICA experts continue technical trainings remotely

ReferenssiThe remote collaboration challenge is universal. All organisations have faced the same issues: the travel restrictions and lockdowns have made it impossible to keep some operations running. Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) made an open call for proposals last autumn to find new solutions to enable training in their programs to be done remotely. The Augumenta SmartEyes solution was selected out of 24 proposals submitted to help Japanese experts guide researchers in Africa.

JICA is one of the biggest organisations on the international development cooperation front, with a large number of offices abroad and thousands of people involved in their programs. Technical training is a key part of the JICA cooperation programs with developing countries. Before the pandemic, the technical guidance was done in person and in close proximity with the trainee, as the processes are demanding, for example requiring a strictly controlled laboratory environment.

JICA chose Augumenta's remote collaboration solution that uses smartglasses and cameras to stream the data to the remote expert’s display. The experts in Japan sees the work of the trainees and can guide them via the smartglasses via a video call. The trainee has free hands and does not need to stop working to communicate with the expert and finish all the necessary steps of the process. The SmartEyes solution includes the software for remote collaboration and the field kit that is sent to the target countries in Africa. The kit is easy to set up, adapts to challenging network conditions, and is simple to use by persons of any skill level.

Augumenta is a Finnish software company that provides industrial augmented reality solutions for enterprises. The problems to solve and the technical challenges in industrial environments are very similar to the ones listed in the JICA call for proposals. The target is also the same as in industrial cases: enable people to work together no matter the distance.

Read the full story here: https://www.augumenta.com/how-smarteyes-enables-remote-learning/


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