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Haltian kokemuksia

Haltian:lla on yhteensä 15 suosittelijaa ja asiakaskokemusta. Haltian kokemuksia –sivu koostaa yhteen ne asiakaskokemukset, suositukset ja suosittelijat, jotka Haltian Oy on liittänyt referensseihinsä.

ReferenssiC-THRU Navigator – Ground-breaking Visual Communication and Personal Navigation platform

"Because of the engineering and communications experience that Haltian has in-house, and more importantly the enthusiastic and accommodating team, we were able to nimbly work our way through many challenges and inevitable obstacles. I look forward to working with them again."

-- Mike Ralston, MS MBA, Chief Operating Officer, Firefighter

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ReferenssiSmart offices with Steerpath

"For us, the most important things were the reliable and flexible delivery and easy deployment. To make our customers happy, the reliability and easiness of IoT solutions must be at a world-class level. ... We have always received a rapid response to our question from Haltian, including excellent support in both business and technical issues."

-- Tuomas Ilola, CEO, Steerpath

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ReferenssiCustom IoT solution with Valpas

"Haltian was the right partner for us since they had so many excellent guys working for them, and we knew their technology would be a good match with the mesh connectivity we use. ... I could always get in touch with the right people who had answers to my questions. And they were always so nice as well! I warmly recommend Haltian as a partner for custom IoT projects."

-- Matti Parkkila, Co-founder and Software Developer, Valpas Oy

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ReferenssiIoT in smart office: Taitori customer case

"If a phone booth has a 10-minute delay in its occupancy information that means that the booth can be unnecessarily ‘occupied’ for that 10 minutes. That’s an entire call someone could have had. ... Now we can have limits for space usage that can automatically be seen from the smart office platform. You don’t have to make an unnesassry trip to the office just to see that all the.."

-- Perttu Ahvenainen, Partner & Head of Sales and Marketing at Taitori Oy

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ReferenssiHealth technology innovation: Monidor case

"We needed a trustworthy partner who would operate with transparency together with our own team. Our expectations for Haltian were very high and I can honestly say they were also fulfilled. The project was done on time and within budget so I would definitely recommend Haltian as a partner."

-- Mikko Savola, CEO, Monidor

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ReferenssiIoT in machine usage monitoring with Tehotec

"Haltian has served as well and helped us as a starting company. We have gotten all the information we need to grow as a business and we are eager to continue our co-operation."

-- Juho Lemponen, CEO, Tehotec

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ReferenssiNew IoT solution for Finnish postal service Posti

"Haltian was chosen as the IoT partner because of their years of experience with Mesh-based systems and their ready Thingsee solution, which fits our objectives and needs."

-- Jari Paasikivi, Head of Process Technology, Posti Oy

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ReferenssiEffective maintenance with Fingrid

"Due to the change to condition-based asset management the need for better visibility for assets increases. In thermography analysis use case the changes within the substation and within one bay can be however notable, so the traditional camera inspections once in a year can result in only limited information of the assets’ condition. ... In the innovation challenges, we have proceeded into a.."

-- Tuomas Laitinen, Project Manager, IoT, Fingrid

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ReferenssiWave - ääniefektejä kontrolloivan älysormus

"Haltian’s expertise was an important addition to our small team. Wether it was Mechanical Design, Project Management, Certification Applications, Antenna Tuning or Device Testing, Haltian got involved and helped us take things to the next level. We worked very closely with them and I think we wouldn’t have finished the project on time, and with such quality, without them. We are extremely.."

-- Jon Helgi, Head of Design, Genki Instruments

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ReferenssiMaailman työpaikat empaattisiksi – Tulevaisuuden älytoimisto Haltianin Thingsee IoT-ratkaisun avulla

"We chose Haltian as our partner because they are able to provide us with a comprehensive solution and because Haltian’s Thingsee service includes options for different usage scenarios. Empathic Building is a fast-developing business function, and flexible partners such as Haltian facilitate international scaling of our business"

-- Tomi Teikko, Head of Tieto Empathic Building service

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ReferenssiIoT-ratkaisu Lindströmin älykkäisiin pesuhuoneisiin

"Thingsee is an easy platform to integrate and Haltian has proven to be a flexible and professional companion on our journey towards launch. Haltian works proactively and they at all times put our needs and aspirations to front when developing the solution."

-- Satu Haikarainen, Director, Service concept at Lindström

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ReferenssiQuietOn - Aktiiviset vastamelunappikuulokkeet

"With Haltian’s holistic experience of the device concept creation we were able to find solutions for superior user experience in comfort, performance and outstanding industrial design. It was really easy to work with the experienced Haltian team. Customer’s needs were addressed but in the same time Haltian made sure that solution was manufacturable and delivered on time. Just great work!"

-- Janne Kyllönen, Product Director, COB, QuietOn

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ReferenssiOura hyvinvointisormuksen tuotteistus

"Haltian has been a crucial product development partner, having world class expertise in both hardware and software development. Collaboration with Haltian has worked very smoothly and Haltian team’s innovations and technical solutions have exceeded our expectations."

-- Ōura team

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ReferenssiMaailman ensimmäinen puettava subwoofer ilahduttaa innovatiivisuudellaan ja miellyttävällä käyttökokemuksellaan

"We teamed up closely with Haltian to take our working prototype to miniaturization and prepare it for mass-production. Haltian helped us to make Basslet a masterpiece of engineering."

-- Daniel Büttner, Founder & CEO, LOFELT

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ReferenssiOMATA nopeusmittari

"We have had the benefit and pleasure of collaborating with Haltian for a number of years in our previous companies, so it was a straightforward decision to continue our collaboration at the outset of OMATA. It’s very simple, Haltian is a world class product development team with a No-Bullshit approach and endless creativity. We trust Haltian to deliver on our ambition to create modern precision.."

-- Rhys Newman, Founder, OMATA

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