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Global Manufacturing Management in the Cloud


TarjontaNetSuite’s production management capabilities enable organizations to run their manufacturing operations efficiently. From sales order to work order processing, routing and scheduling, order fulfillment and product costing, NetSuite’s manufacturing solution provides real-time visibility into every step of the production process to help you make better-informed decisions. Get your products to market quickly and cost-effectively anywhere in the world with an end-to-end manufacturing software solution designed to run your entire business.

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Product Data Management

Everything you need to define, manage and maintain your products throughout their lifecycle.

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Work Order Management

Simple, effective and efficient production management for both discrete and batch-driven manufacturers.

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Planning and Scheduling

Easily coordinate the materials you need for production and schedule your operations to ensure on-time delivery.

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Quality Assurance

Make sure your product is produced and delivered the way you intended with automated quality control.

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Get real-time updates from production via barcode scanning and our interactive hmi / tablet device.

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