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ngVikings 2018

01.03-02.03.2018 Espoo

TapahtumaThe main Angular event in the Nordics. And the only travelling Angular conference in the world.

Why ngVikings 2018 is a great event for you?

Having Angular team members, Google Developer Experts and legendary international speakers onboard, ngVikings Conference guarantees an excellent program: fresh, technically deep and 100% useful.

What is ngVikings?

ngVikings is a community-driven Angular conference travelling across the Nordic countries. The second ngVikings event is scheduled for the 1st & 2nd of March in Espoo, Finland. This event will gather 400+ front-end developers from different countries together. It's the largest Angular conference hosted in the Nordic countries. The talks and workshops will be mostly about Angular (with the primary focus on Angular 5 and later) and other technologies related to the Angular framework. ngVikings operates as a non-profit organization.


Tapahtuman tiedot

Päivämäärä: 01.03-02.03.2018
Kaupunki: Espoo
Paikka: Otakaari 24
Lisätty: 30.11.-1

Muita tapahtumia


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