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Cyber Security Executive

20.03.2024 Helsinki

TapahtumaIn a world driven by data and AI, cybersecurity isn't an option—it's a necessity.

Cyber Security Executive 2024 serves as a nexus where business leaders from diverse sectors converge to:

  • Unlock the potential of AI and Machine Learning in cybersecurity
  • Learn how to integrate cybersecurity into your broader business strategy, turning it from a 'cost center' to a 'value center.' 
  • Dive deep into the most recent cybersecurity threats and potential risks.
  • Equip yourself with the tools to master incident response plans and ensure robust recovery procedures.

Cybersecurity is more than firewalls and encryption; it's about people, processes, and knowledge. Computers don’t commit crimes—people do. A strategic cybersecurity leadership approach is necessary for educating staff, refining processes, and implementing preventive measures.

Be part of a transformative experience aimed at bolstering resilience against cyber threats. We promise a day of insightful discussions and practical takeaways. Together, let's shape a safer digital future.

Welcome to Cyber Security Executive 2024!


Tapahtuman tiedot

Päivämäärä: 20.03.2024
Kaupunki: Helsinki
Paikka: Wanha Satama
Lisätty: 25.1.2024

Muita tapahtumia


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