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RekryilmoitusVeikkaus creates joy through games. We provide great experiences and top-notch games, but not at any cost. We foster the joy of gaming and make sure that Finns play with moderation, enjoying our games. We want to be the pioneer of responsible gaming experience. Almost all adult Finns have tried our games and we have two million Loyal Customers. We are involved in Finnish life in many ways. We are ca. 1,600 Veikkaus employees, working at nearly a hundred locations all over Finland. Our games are sold at thousands of points of sales and they are also available for safe online gaming at veikkaus.fi and in the Veikkaus application.


Would you like to be a leading part of a team that builds digital services for more than a million active customers? 

We are searching for an


We are seeking an exceptional UX-lead to craft customer-focused and data-driven digital experiences. Together with our UX and Service Design team, customers and marketing, analytics, and development teams, you will define how the customer experience of our digital channels will evolve in the future.

We offer a unique opportunity for a passionate UX-lead who has experience creating exceptional services for customers online. Our new strategy focuses strongly on digital channels, and our future of responsible gaming experiences will set the pace for the whole industry. This role will require a designer who is willing to support everyone involved in developing our services and ready to make an impact on our 1.5 million weekly users in our online store and mobile apps.

It’s also essential that you can validate the impact of the design together with our analytics experts. Everything we do has an influence – small changes can significantly impact the lives of our customers, and significant changes can change the whole industry. With data, we can ensure that we are moving towards being the most responsible company in the field.

You don’t have to do this alone, though. Our team meets and interviews customers regularly, ensuring that we understand their motivations, what they are looking for in our services, and where we can improve. Your role will also strengthen our ability to make customer-centric design decisions efficiently.

You will also work with and guide our business owners. Strong communication skills ensure that you can support our design transformation and help our colleagues understand the value we are creating. Equally important is your enthusiastic attitude to work together with our skilled developers and ensure the high quality of our services.

This role will also require a Lead who is ready to share our core principle of growing together. We are not looking for an individual performer but a team player willing to support the other team members in developing and showing what we can become as designers. We are ready to challenge our working methods if we see a better way to approach our projects. We also work and train hard to achieve our true potential. Most of all, we are collective – together, we shine brighter than any individual star.

We hope that you are ready to take the UX of our digital channels to the next level.

What we offer

  • Lead level design position, where you are responsible for the UX of the biggest online store for consumers in Finland
  • culture and organization which support your work
  • opportunities to develop your skills
  • good fringe benefits and a friendly working environment
  • capable and enthusiastic community around you

What we expect from you

  • 10+ years’ professional experience
  • Strong understanding of customer-centric and data-driven design
  • Proven track record of creating UX for digital consumer services
  • Worked across design and technology
  • Strong communication skills and ability to share knowledge and UX vision for the team
  • Experience in facilitation methods
  • Experience in a variety of design tools and methods
  • Communicate fluently both in English and Finnish

Our office is in Pohjois-Haaga, Helsinki, Finland. Job is permanent and full time.

Please send your application with CV and salary request latest 20th of February 2022.

Veikkaus, as a company, will perform a security clearance check (According to the Act on Security Clearance (726/2014)) and a drug test to the person selected for the position.

For any inquiries about the position, don’t hesitate to contact Ari-Heikki Sarjanoja. Send your questions any time with an email to ari-heikki.sarjanoja@veikkaus.fi, or call on 10th or 17th of February 2-4 pm +358 9 4370 2217.

Veikkaus Oy

Veikkaus tuottaa peleillä iloa. Tarjoamme elämyksiä ja huippupelejä, mutta emme hinnalla millä hyvänsä.

Huolehdimme, että pelaaminen säilyy ilon puolella, ja suomalaiset pelaavat maltilla ja peli-ilosta nauttien.

Haluamme olla vastuullisen pelaajakokemuksen suunnannäyttäjiä.

Lähes kaikki aikuiset suomalaiset ovat kokeilleet pelejämme, ja meillä on kaksi miljoonaa Etuasiakasta.

Olemme monella tavalla mukana suomalaisessa elämässä. Meitä veikkauslaisia on noin 1 600 ja työskentelemme lähes sadassa pisteessä eri puolilla maata. Pelejämme myydään tuhansissa paikoissa, ja niitä voi pelata turvallisesti myös veikkaus.fissä ja Veikkaus-sovelluksessa.

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Hakuaika: 2.2.2022 - 27.2.2022
Sijainti: Helsinki
Linkki: https://rekrytointi.com/avoimet-tyopaikat/veikkaus-oy/ux-lead/1413957/


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