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Test Engineer (Embedded Systems)


RekryilmoitusVaisala, a global organization with offices in several countries worldwide, is the recognized world leader in the development, manufacture and marketing of measurement systems and equipment for meteorology, environmental sciences, traffic safety and industrial processes.

We are now looking for a 

Test Engineer (Embedded Systems)

In this position you will be responsible for running SW test cases (unit tests, smoke tests, regression tests) for our industrial measurement devices. Previous knowledge from manual testing is mandatory and test automation skills are an advantage. Additionally, we require profound knowledge from electronics and/or measurement systems. Basic knowledge from embedded software development (C/C++) is also an advantage.

We expect knowledge in the following:

– Unit-, Smoke- and Regression test cases

– Test automaton tools (Jenkins, Robot Framework and Python scripting skills)

– Fluent English in order to communicate with a multi-cultural team in Vantaa

Preferably you are familiar with some of these skills:

– Interest on physics and mathematics 

– Low-level embedded software development basics (C/C++) 

– Basic electronics skills

Vaisala offers challenges in a diverse international environment and the opportunity to participate in all phases of software testing. At Vaisala you will have the opportunity to work with interesting, motivated and professional people within an organization that strongly supports personal growth and continuous improvement.

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Hakuaika: 28.10.2019 - 30.10.2019
Sijainti: Vantaa
Linkki: https://rekrytointi.com/avoimet-tyopaikat/wippii-work/test-engineer-embedded-systems/710566/


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