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System Architect


RekryilmoitusFor our team in Graz we are hiring a

System Architect m/f/d

Your responsibilities:

  • Lead the evolution of our software portfolio with focus on the information architecture and operational excellence/DevOps
  • Develop the software architectural runway together with our technical leads and architects during the phases of our scaled agile development approach
  • Act as sparring partner for application and solution architects, coach and develop the information architecture skills across the architectural guild
  • Align and contribute to the AVL Architecture Guild
  • Drive architecture initiatives around digital transformation and operational excellence across the applications and solutions
  • Implement the 6 core responsibilities of architects on system level (higher abstraction) together with application and solution architects or within a domain
  • Drive and oversee the transformation of our systems towards DevOps and SaaS
  • Implement and support architecture reviews and with architecture trade off analysis (ATAM)
  • Implement and lead technology scouting in the information architecture and operational excellence/DevOps domains

Your profile:

  • At least 5 years of experience as application / solution architect and at least 5 years of experience as senior or lead developer
  • Senior Software engineer with experiences in product software development; application modernization; data architecture and integration patterns and practices
  • Experience in DevOps, configuration management, and automation
  • Relevant experience in Multigrained Service Oriented and Cloud Native Application Architectures
  • Experience in Event-Driven Architectures; in Service Mesh and Serverless Architectures
  • Ideally with experience in agile software development environments (SAFe)
  • Working in international environments and intercultural competences
  • Willingness to travel internationally
  • Excellent language skills: English, German

What we offer:

  • Flexitime Regulation
  • Canteen
  • Award-winning Training Programs
  • Health Management
  • Parental Leave Management (Maternity/Paternity Protection & Educational Leave)


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Hakuaika: 18.3.2020 - 17.4.2020
Graz, Itävalta
Linkki: https://rekrytointi.com/avoimet-tyopaikat/avl/system-architect-m-f-d/812945/


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