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Software Engineer


RekryilmoitusAs a Software Engineer your main focus is…

  • …to improve existing industrial data processing codebase.
  • …to customize and run industrial data analyses on a per-case basis.
  • …to support in-house development efforts as needed.


You are a skilled developer ready to jump into ongoing development branches and bring unprompted contribution soon after onboarding. You also bring along sharp thinking and ambition that send us towards our big goals even faster.


Outcomes of your contribution

  1. Improve existing Python/scikit-learn codebase
  • Refactor to improve modularity, unit test coverage, configurability and maintainability of the current organically accumulated codebase
  • Participate in agile sessions, sharing your progress
  • Profile and optimize where sensible
  1. Implement one-off customer data analysis cases
  • Maintain a modular approach as far as possible
  • Pass on any lessons learned to the product development team
  • Accumulate and share understanding of challenges faced in dealing with customer data
  • Actively develop tools to deal with said challenges
  1. Participate in various in-house development tasks
  • Exercise your developer expertise in order to remove blockers from other developers, analysts and the management team
  • Participate in the product development team effort



  • Teamwork – Willing to work with others and collaborate to create better solutions
  • Ambitious standards – Expects high performance from self and team
  • Skills adoption – Interested and able to learn new tools and techniques
  • Strong developer skills – Ability to produce running code day after day, familiar with various toolchains and workflows, knowledgeable in software patterns and best practices, comfortable with deadlines


Desired technical skills (in order of priority)

  • Systems programming: writing code that interoperates with other software
  • Comfortably polyglot, fluent with Python
  • Familiar with TDD/BDD, agile practices
  • Familiar with DevOps toolchains
  • Proficient with Linux user space
  • Solid working knowledge on SQL
  • Software documentation


What we can and want to offer

  • Culture of modern tech team where you can develop your skills, quickly test and implement new ideas, and grow professionally
  • Inspiring focus where you join the development of a software that is piloted with key clients and soon launched for wider audience
  • Multi-competent, ambitious colleagues
  • Cosy offices and open working environment
  • Working equipment of your choice (Mac, Windows, Linux…)
  • Competitive compensation

If you feel you’d be up for the mission, send your open letter, CV, and salary request to careers@simanalytics.com. Please name your email “Software Engineer” to subject field.

Position is filled and the journey starts as soon as the right fit is found. For any questions call our office phone +358 (o) 449 885 824.

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Hakuaika: -
Sijainti: Helsinki
Linkki: http://simanalytics.com/careers
Yhteydenotto: careers@simanalytics.com


Ilmoitus yrityksen kotisivuilla Yritysprofiilii SimAnalytics kotisivut





Big Data
Ketterät menetelmät
Pilvipalvelut / SaaS
Tekoäly (AI) ja koneoppiminen



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