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Product Lead


RekryilmoitusAs a Product Lead your main focus is…

  • …to lead the product development team for a multiuser analytics software for process industry, keeping the goal and priorities of the development effort clear, and participating hands-on as needed.
  • …to take responsibility for delivering the developed product and associated services to hybrid cloud/on-site environments, on time and within budget, without compromises in quality.


You are a seasoned professional and you have been involved in successful software development and delivery missions before.


Outcomes of your contribution

  1. Manage the development process
  • Maintain the product and services specification in alignment with the company strategy
  • Plan and execute a product and services roadmap
  • Development prioritization, resourcing, and scheduling
  • Review progress with the management team
  • Report on current progress, expected schedule, required resources
  • Assess and take action to mitigate risks
  • Continued research and development after market releases
  • Coordinate outsourced development resources
  1. Manage quality
  • Implement appropriate development methodology starting from current agile tools and practices (version control, issue tracking, Kanban, automated testing and continuous integration)
  • Implement appropriate quality control and quality assurance methodology
  • On-boarding for fresh product team talent to establish a culture of quality
  1. Maintain liaisons with relevant stakeholders
  • Keep up with existing customer technical environments (cloud, databases, APIs) and future developments
  • Actively solicit end-user feedback and seek out development opportunities, both before and after service deployment
  • Secure customer satisfaction in coordination with account managers
  1. Take responsibility for service implementation and operations
  • Conform to agreed service level, starting from three nines availability and five minutes MTTR
  • Ensure consistent service level also during scaling up of the business



  • Communication skills – Ability to clarify goals and responsibilities to team members, and interact productively with customers
  • Empowering – You enjoy when people around you thrive
  • Comfortable outside comfort zone – Ability to prioritize and make decisions despite surrounding uncertainty and noise
  • Teamwork – Willing to work with others and collaborate to create better solutions
  • Intrapreneurial mindset – Ability to make things happen and deliver successful results
  • Ambitious standards – Expects and inspires high performance
  • Integrity – Doesn’t cut corners, willing to challenge others
  • Attention to detail – Does not let vital details slip through
  • Courage – Ability to challenge own thinking


What we can and want to offer

  • Inspiring focus where you join the development of a software that is piloted with key clients and soon launched for wider audience
  • Multi-competent, ambitious colleagues
  • Cosy offices and open working environment
  • Culture of modern tech team where you can develop your skills, quickly test and implement new ideas, and grow professionally
  • Working equipment of your choice (Mac, Windows, Linux…)
  • Competitive compensation
If you feel you’d be up for the mission, send your story, CV, and salary request to careers@simanalytics.com. Please name your email “Mission for Product Lead” to subject field.
Position is filled and the journey starts as soon as the right fit is found. For any questions call our office phone +358 (o) 449 885 824.
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Hakuaika: -
Sijainti: Helsinki
Linkki: http://simanalytics.com/careers
Yhteydenotto: careers@simanalytics.com


Ilmoitus yrityksen kotisivuilla Yritysprofiilii SimAnalytics kotisivut





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Tekoäly (AI) ja koneoppiminen

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