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Software Developer


RekryilmoitusWe are currently looking for highly motivated


This position will be based in our HQ in Raisio and report to Director, Finance, IT and HR.


Your main tasks will include:

  • Taking ownership of the customer facing systems
  • Developing and delivering technology solutions that support business goals
  • Building seamless integrations of new/existing systems
  • Being the key player in translating consumer trends and business goals to software solutions

To succeed in this position, you are expected to have:

  • Relevant job experience and suitable education, such as a Bachelor of Science or Master of Science degree in Computer Science or Software Engineering.
  • Full-stack or web development experience
  • Experience in Devops tools (CI,CD,GIT etc.)
  • Experience in systems integration
  • Commercial and consumer-oriented approach
  • Ability to see the bigger picture and create innovative solutions
  • Ability to work independently and in a team, also under pressure
  • Good communication skills in English as a working language – Finnish is seen as an advantage

Joining our team you will have:

  • Opportunity to work with leading boat brands in Nordic Countries and to be involved in developing new business
  • An enthusiastic team and professional environment
  • Challenging and versatile responsibilities
  • Room to continuously grow and strengthen the level of digitalization
  • An easygoing, agile workplace environment

For further information about the job and responsibilities, please contact VP, Operations Tomi Juhola 044 033 8639 1.2. at 10-12/ 4.2. at 14-16 /10.2. at 14-16. Please send your application and cv together with your salary request by 14.2. 2022 at www.buster.fi/open-positions.

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Hakuaika: 28.1.2022 - 14.2.2022
Sijainti: Raisio
Linkki: https://rekrytointi.com/avoimet-tyopaikat/inha-works-ltd/software-developer/1405433/


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