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Software Developer


RekryilmoitusExperis™ is the global leader in professional resourcing and project based workforce solutions. We attract, assess and place specialist professional talent, connecting the passion of individuals with the ambition of business. We specialize in providing professional opportunities across IT and Engineering, Finance and Accounting, Sales, Marketing, Communications and HR. We deliver high-demand talent for mission-critical positions to clients in over 50 countries. Experis is part of ManpowerGroup, the world leader in innovative workforce solutions.


We are looking for SOFTWARE DEVELOPER with a strong skillset in C-programming to join our customers experienced development team located in Helsinki, Finland.

In this position, you are part of a highly experienced development team with a wide area of expertise. The team is focusing on cloud development, distributed computing and consensus algorithms. From the developer’s point of view, this offers an equally wide of a playground to learn new skills or specialize in a more specific area while always keeping the focus in C-programming.

We are looking for a seasoned developer with a solid background in algorithmic C-programming. We value previous experience in distributed computing and relational databases. A degree in Computer Sciences is preferred. Due to the international scope of the work, you have professional proficiency in English.

We offer you a seat in the core development team with interesting challenges in new development of projects that require persistence and deep understanding. Depending on your interests, the role can be extended with client contacts.

Apply for this job with your registered CV at www.experis.fi by clicking ”Hae”

Hae tätä työpaikkaa: tai kopioi linkki ja liitä selaimen osoiteriville: https://www.manpower.fi/fin/tyon-haku/tyo/b03bff8d-7abc-4a54-9ae2-131ab38f9f69

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Hakuaika: 1.7.2019 - 28.7.2019
Sijainti: Helsinki
Linkki: https://rekrytointi.com/avoimet-tyopaikat/experis/software-developer-helsinki/637518/


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