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Senior Developer (Release/Operational Engineer role)


RekryilmoitusVeikkaus creates joy through games. We provide great experiences and top-notch games, but not at any cost. We foster the joy of gaming and make sure that Finns play with moderation, enjoying our games. We want to be the pioneer of responsible gaming experience. Almost all adult Finns have tried our games and we have two million Loyal Customers. We are involved in Finnish life in many ways. We are ca. 1,600 Veikkaus employees, working at nearly a hundred locations all over Finland. Our games are sold at thousands of points of sales and they are also available for safe online gaming at veikkaus.fi and in the Veikkaus application.

We are looking for

Senior Developer (Release/Operational Engineer role)

for full-time employment

We are looking for DevOps engineer (CI/CD) to join our ranks. Our team offers release solutions & integrations for game development and has operational responsibilities in the game release process. We also support several development teams. Our software is deployed into several different environments. You will be working daily with GitLab CI/CD, GCP, Linux, containers, etc. We also use Python, TypeScript, Node, C++, CMake, Qt, Go, Java, Debian, Flatpak, Electron, Jira, etc. The role and your work assignments will be shaped according to your strengths and interests.

We expect from you:

  • 3+ years of previous software development experience
  • Hands-on experience in DevOps (functional with client)
  • Knowledge and understanding of Linux and cloud environments
  • Interest for automatization and optimization of processes

We offer: 

  • Benefits of a large company (customer base millions of people) with advantages of a smaller studio.
  • Relaxed atmosphere and awesome co-workers in self-driven teams.
  • Possibility and active encouragement to broaden your skillset, according to your interest and talent.
  • Unusually large slate of benefits including support for sports & cultural activities, health and dental plans, free glasses, phone, gym, free breakfast, nearly endless amount of coffee and healthy fruits offered daily!
  • During COVID-19 situation we have introduced various flexible workplace methods, making remote working an agile and practical alternative. Of course, it is always possible to come to the office.

Veikkaus Game Development Tech & Support team provides comprehensive game development support, both for Veikkaus Game Studio and external partner studios. We have 16 skilled professionals in our team. Our area of responsibility is extensive and exciting, ranging from software tool development to game backends and release pipelines. Veikkaus games are being played several millions of rounds every day – everything must work smoothly and reliably 24/7. We develop with agile methods and work hard to continuously improve ourselves. 

Our office is located in Pohjois-Haaga, Helsinki, Finland.

Veikkaus as a company will perform a security clearance check (According to the Act on Security Clearance (726/2014)) to the person selected for the position.

Please send your application with CV and salary request included. We are waiting to hear from you soonest possible. The position will be filled as soon as the suitable candidate is found.

For any inquiries about the position please contact Mikko Laakso via email mikko.laakso@veikkaus.fi


Veikkaus Oy

Veikkaus tuottaa peleillä iloa. Tarjoamme elämyksiä ja huippupelejä, mutta emme hinnalla millä hyvänsä.

Huolehdimme, että pelaaminen säilyy ilon puolella, ja suomalaiset pelaavat maltilla ja peli-ilosta nauttien.

Haluamme olla vastuullisen pelaajakokemuksen suunnannäyttäjiä.

Lähes kaikki aikuiset suomalaiset ovat kokeilleet pelejämme, ja meillä on kaksi miljoonaa Etuasiakasta.

Olemme monella tavalla mukana suomalaisessa elämässä. Meitä veikkauslaisia on noin 1 600 ja työskentelemme lähes sadassa pisteessä eri puolilla maata. Pelejämme myydään tuhansissa paikoissa, ja niitä voi pelata turvallisesti myös veikkaus.fissä ja Veikkaus-sovelluksessa.

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Hakuaika: 19.1.2022 - 28.2.2022
Sijainti: Helsinki
Linkki: https://rekrytointi.com/avoimet-tyopaikat/veikkaus-oy/senior-developer-release-operational-engineer-role/1393664/


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