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SAP Consultant


RekryilmoitusAt Vincit, we are known for building outstanding SAP solutions for our strategic customers. Hence, we're constantly seeking skilled SAP Consultants with expertise from various SAP modules to join our fun-loving bunch.

What is the job like, really?

You'll work with a team of experts in complex customer projects (both roll-out and support) and get to dive deep with your SAP module expertise in various development and maintenance tasks. Our SAP customer portfolio is broad and diverse so there's no need to worry about getting stuck or bored. Our projects can be demanding, but you'll be able handle that together with your future teammates as they are at the top of their game. You can find examples of software built by us and our public customer references on our website.

You'll join a large and skillful crowd of SAP experts (over 150), but you'll also work extensively with the entire Vincit ecosystem – which means you'll get to bounce ideas and develop your own expertise with great minds. 

What are we looking for?

  • Several years of experience in SAP modules, preferably finance or logistics (please mention your field of expertise in your cover letter)
  • Hands-on experience in SAP system definition, implementation, and/or maintenance
  • A systematic and brisk working approach
  • Excellent communication skills in Finnish and English and teamwork skills

Seen as an advantage

  • Experience in S/4HANA
  • Any experience or willingness to develop skills in SAP's latest tools like SAC, Event based or contract based revenue accounting or SAP S/4HANA Group Reporting

Cool, but what's in it for me?

  • Maximal flexibility and location independence – set up your workstation wherever you want and utilize our awesome offices’ premises in the way you feel is most suitable for you
  • Work-life balance – we encourage you to shape your work life according to your personal needs
  • More than generous employee benefits  lunch benefit, free snacks and drinks, healthcare and dental care services, extensive insurance, childcare services, freely selected work equipment and phones – the list goes on!
  • Competitive salary – your monthly salary will be based on your experience and expertise + you’ll get to enjoy Vincit’s bonus model, personnel fund and transparent salary weeks
  • Competence development – we have set up Univincity to support workplace learning in various ways
  • Various career opportunities – take whatever career steps feel appropriate, whether shifting upwards, sideways or downwards.
  • Modern, transparent, and humane organization culture  thanks to these traits we're an award-winning workplace to be proud of
  • Local and international work environment – enjoy the numerous activities and hobby clubs in your local community, go for an office exchange to our Lisbon office, or take a 2-year expat adventure to Vincit U.S.
  • A team of skilled experts at least equal to yourself – our way of working and thinking usually suits those who are, or want to be, at the top of their profession. Work with us, and you get to be part of our Vincit community which consists of the country’s top developers, designers, and other experts. 

Curious but still on the fence?

If there’s anything you’d like to chat about the job, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. To get to know us as an employer, we recommend checking our career siteblogFacebookInstagram and LinkedIn.

P.S. Please note that if you live abroad and want to work with us, you need to have the necessary permits for working in Finland.

Vincit logo


Hakuaika: -
Helsinki, Tampere, Jyväskylä, Kuopio, Turku, Oulu, Remote from Finland
Linkki: https://vincitoyj.teamtailor.com/jobs/2405312-sap-consultant


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