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Salesforce Service Manager


RekryilmoitusExperis™ is the global leader in professional resourcing and project based workforce solutions. We attract, assess and place specialist professional talent, connecting the passion of individuals with the ambition of business. At Experis IT we specialize in skilled IT search and solutions and deliver high-demand talent for mission-critical positions to clients in over 50 countries. Experis is part of ManpowerGroup, the world leader in innovative workforce solutions.

We are looking for a


Salesforce Service Manager


for our client. The position is based in Espoo, Finland and will report to Head of Service Management & SIAM in Application Management.

The selected person shall work on Experis's payroll in our client's premises in Espoo. The position is temporary until the end of 2019, starting as soon as we find the right person.


Your key responsibilities are:

• Manage FSM support and SLA performance in RUN side

• Co-operate with Project and Release Managers to oversee and track project and release are going according IT processes

• Communicate with solution teams and business stakeholders service performance

• Lead Crisis situation and Major Incidents in FSM (SF platform service) area

• Verify that transition and operation are compliance with ITIL

• Manage supplier interface and follow their performance

• Supplier management

•  Oversee SF platform Compliance for security and processes


We expect you to have:

•  Minimum 10+ years’ experience in production, service management or similar role

•   Virtual team leading skills

•   Experience from SalesForce technology, leading SaaS services

•   Solid IT process knowledge with very good ITIL understanding

•   Practical knowledge and experience on IT process development and service roll outs

•   Proactive and process mind set

•  Experience of subcontractor management

•   Practical experience Service build up and deployment

•   Strong experience in leadership and matrix organizations

•   Strong experience in supplier collaboration with off-shoring model

•   Strong experience in working in international environment with stakeholders distributed globally

•   Excellent stakeholders communication skills (both written and oral)

•  Excellent Change Management skills

•   Analysis and Problem solving skills

•   Fluency in English


Interested? Please apply ASAP by registering your CV

Hae tätä työpaikkaa: tai kopioi linkki ja liitä selaimen osoiteriville: https://www.manpower.fi/fin/tyon-haku/tyo/8a454a9d-ac71-4876-b7fa-bc7d8c327538

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Hakuaika: 13.8.2019 - 31.8.2019
Sijainti: Espoo
Linkki: https://rekrytointi.com/avoimet-tyopaikat/experis/service-manager-fsm-espoo/666513/


Ilmoitus yrityksen kotisivuilla Yritysprofiilii Laura kotisivut



Pilvipalvelut / SaaS





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