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.NET Architect / Lead Developer


RekryilmoitusEvondos is amongst the first companies to bring robotization and AI into the home care services. We offer a robotized solution for safe medicine distribution in professional home care. With our service, home care clients will take medication as prescribed: the right medication in a correct dosage at the right time. Our service not only increases medical adherence and patient safety but also offers possibilities in process optimization. The service is used in ca. 130 municipalities around the Nordics. More than one million dosages have been dispensed to the patients across Nordic markets. Evondos headquarters and production facilities are located in Salo, Finland and the company currently employs ca 70 employees working in Finland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark. Read more at evondos.com


We are looking for a talented .NET Architect / Lead Developer to join Evondos software development team.


You will be in a key role for a future-proof technical architecture and design of the Evondos® web solutions. You will ensure that customer requirements are implemented to technical solutions, enabling spectacular user experience and customer satisfaction. You will support and guide other developers in their daily tasks and contribute to Evondos product development and R&D management in general as a valued expert.


.NET Lead Developer works in Evondos headquarters in Salo and reports to Director, SW Product Development.


We offer you:


– dynamic work environment in a fast growing healthtech company

– opportunity to join exceptional growth momentum in healthtech business

– opportunity for personal growth and chance to develop your capabilities in healthtech business

– be part of a winning team

– meaningful job with a true social impact


We expect you to have:


– Understanding of all aspects of the software development life cycle (requirements, analysis, design, implementation, testing, and documentation)

– experience in Agile software development methods

– minimum six years of software design/development experience

– hands on experience in developing web applications using technologies like .NET, MVC, and Entity Framework

– knowledge of front-end technologies like HTML5, jQuery, AJAX and AngularJs

– understanding of architectural patterns and design principles for building scalable cloud-based applications

– understanding of serverless computing and cloud services

– eagerness to learn and utilize new technologies and methodologies

– Bachelor or Master Degree in Computer Science or equivalent

– fluency in Finnish and English


An excellent customer experience is the heart and soul of our work. We have the determination to overcome any challenge, no matter how impossible it first seems. We expect same passion with the Can-do attitude from you also. We are strong together and we have a passion to continuously develop our skills and competences as we want to be better every single day.


If you want to join the winning team – apply now by registering your CV as soon as possible by clicking “Apply/Hae”, deadline for the applications is Sunday 25th of August 2019.


For more information about the role, please contact Experis Finland Research Consultant Jari Auronen (jari.auronen@fi.experis.com).


Experis™ is the global leader in professional resourcing and project based workforce solutions. We attract, assess and place specialist professional talent, connecting the passion of individuals with the ambition of business. We specialize in providing professional opportunities across IT and Engineering, Finance and Accounting, Sales, Marketing, Communications and HR. We deliver high-demand talent for mission-critical positions to clients in over 50 countries. Experis is part of ManpowerGroup, the world leader in innovative workforce solutions.

Hae tätä työpaikkaa: tai kopioi linkki ja liitä selaimen osoiteriville: https://www.manpower.fi/fin/tyon-haku/tyo/7319693b-f7eb-4751-92f7-687360243820

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Hakuaika: 1.8.2019 - 25.8.2019
Sijainti: Salo
Linkki: https://rekrytointi.com/avoimet-tyopaikat/experis/net-architect-lead-developer-salo/658648/


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