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Lead Developer


RekryilmoitusWe are passionate about being a gaming sector developer that offers its customers the world’s best gaming experience. Do you want to join us in building a gaming company that stands boldly at the forefront of the industry?

Veikkaus employs a wide range of gaming and digital sector professionals: service architects, software developers, digital marketing experts, data scientists, quality assurance experts…. Veikkaus has its own game studio that designs and develops new games and gaming innovations. You can find these, for example, on Finland’s largest B2C e-commerce site veikkaus.fi.

Join us and grow as a professional. We offer exciting career opportunities and employee benefits. We are genuinely invested in being a responsible employer able to offer competitive employee benefits and a healthy work-life balance. We are also motivated each day by the fact that our gaming profits are directed towards good causes, one billion euros annually of opportunities for a better life. 

Lead Developer

As lead developer, you’ll improve Veikkaus Game Studio’s development processes with other groups of interest, such as developers, producers and business partners. You’ll play an integral role in ensuring fluid communication between Veikkaus Game Studio and other departments. The position requires creative problem solving, good communication and co-operation skills. You’ll have the freedom to influence decisions and prioritise tasks concerning Veikkaus Game Studio. 


  • Improve the development process of Game Studio 
  • Ensure released games are up to our quality standards 
  • Foster data-driven development
  • Offer technical solutions
  • Improve upon tight-knit community of Game Studio 
  • Represent Game Studio in various events 


  • Vast experience in the web development environment 
  • Experience in graphical programming and/or game development 
  • Comprehensive experience in modern development processes and tools 
  • Prior experience in coaching and/or directing 
  • 5 years of relevant work experience

Considered a plus:

  • Experience in TypeScript, JavaScript or WebGL 
  • Overall interest in games and gaming 

Our office is located in Pohjois-Haaga, Helsinki, Finland.

Due to the nature of Veikkaus as a company we will perform a security clearance check to the person selected to the position.

Please send your application with CV and salary request included. We are waiting to hear from you soonest possible. The position will be filled as soon as the suitable candidate is found.

For any inquiries about the position please contact Head of Studio Henri Lindgren henri.lindgren@veikkaus.fi

Laura logo


Hakuaika: 19.11.2019 - 19.12.2019
Sijainti: Helsinki
Linkki: https://rekrytointi.com/avoimet-tyopaikat/veikkaus-oy/lead-developer/732214/


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