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Junior/Senior Developer


RekryilmoitusWe are looking for Junior and Senior Developers to join our Technology team at Ropo Capital.

You might have gathered a lot of valuable experience already or might be at very early stages of your career. Your job title could be Junior Developer, Developer or Senior Developer based on your skills and competencies. We are looking for Developers with various backgrounds and interests from front-end to back-end development.

As a Developer, you will be working closely with our highly skilled Senior Developers and Software Architects. You will be part of a dedicated scrum team, where the team is supporting each other to reach the goals together. Development work can cover whole fullstack development with different kind of interfaces (REST,FTP), datastreams (XML) and user interfaces.

We value both generalists as well as persons with a deep focus on a specific area. Training sessions and a personal tutor will be appointed to all new employees. Based on your interests, there are possibilities for various career paths.


You will succeed with these features in our team:

  • Background in Tech from studies, professional work or hobbies
  • Experience at least some of the following:
  • Programming know-how as Javascript, React, PHP, NodeJS
  • Database know-how as MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL
  • Cloud Software Development as AWS, Azure, Google Cloud
  • Ability to get your tasks done on schedule
  • Positive attitude and aim to develop your professional skills further
  • Motivation to learn new and share your own knowledge


Why Ropo Capital:

  • We offer interesting assignments and projects which challenge you technically
  • Opportunity to join a well-established, successful business
  • International work environment
  • Supportive and ambitious team around you
  • Structured ways of work and modern HR practices
  • Wide range of benefits like private health care and insurance, lunch benefit, sports and culture activities etc.
  • Competitive wage
  • Flexible working hours
  • Cosy work premises and modern ergonomic tools
  • Result-driven and innovative Ropo Culture


Location: Kuopio, Porvoo or remote 

Your employment is permanent and starts according to the contract.

Did you get interested? Submit your CV and application by 7 March 2022 at the latest. The position will be filled as soon as the appropriate person is found and interviews will already be held during the application period.

More information: Weekdays from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. Tech Lead Esa Anttila tel. +358 447 440 606


Ropo Capital

Ropo is a rapidly growing and internationalizing organization. We are focused on providing and developing invoice lifecycle services in conjunction with customers utilizing proprietary technology. In total, we employ almost 400 business and technology professionals in Finland, Sweden, and Norway. We want to provide quality services to our customers in all Nordic countries. Our work community consists of results-oriented, determined and active talents. We are a gang with high motivation and the joy of work is important to us. One of the best things about our work community is our positive, relaxed and supportive atmosphere.

Ropo logo


Hakuaika: 17.2.2022 - 7.3.2022
Sijainti: Kuopio, Porvoo
Kuopio, Porvoo or remote
Linkki: https://ats.talentadore.com/apply/junior-senior-developer/ZkAGqm


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