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Junior Project Manager / Project Coordinator


RekryilmoitusExperis™ is the global leader in professional resourcing and project based workforce solutions. We attract, assess and place specialist professional talent, connecting the passion of individuals with the ambition of business. At Experis IT we specialize in skilled IT search and solutions and deliver high-demand talent for mission-critical positions to clients in over 50 countries. Experis is part of ManpowerGroup, the world leader in innovative workforce solutions.


We are looking for a

Junior Project Manager / Senior coordinator

for our client's Global Network project (working under a Program Manager). Our client is a large international company with around 800 offices around the world to which they are installing new WAN connectivity and introducing SD-WAN at the same time. Transformation will be driven by an experienced program manager who you would be reporting to. Your focus area would be mainly in EMEA region managing the installation and transformation of the office WAN connectivity for around 500 locations together with our clients' network providers project team.

The selected person shall work on Experis's payroll in our client's premises in Espoo.

Main tasks:

– Generic PM tasks

– Vendor management

We expect the following experience/competence:

– A good understanding of IT infrastructure. Preferably work experience or knowledge of network technologies such as WAN, SD-WAN, firewalls, LAN and/or wireless LAN.

– Experience in managing infrastructure projects

– Experience in working in multivendor environment

– Takes responsibility and initiative

– Good English skills are required

Interested? Please apply ASAP by registering your CV

Hae tätä työpaikkaa: tai kopioi linkki ja liitä selaimen osoiteriville: https://www.manpower.fi/fin/tyon-haku/tyo/6461641f-2128-4597-bf1a-a30bf6ea8901

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Hakuaika: 8.9.2019 - 20.9.2019
Sijainti: Espoo
Linkki: https://rekrytointi.com/avoimet-tyopaikat/experis/junior-project-manager-project-coordinator-espoo/686637/


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