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Junior IT Support Technician


RekryilmoitusWith offices in 80 countries, Manpower is one of the largest contingent and permanent staffing firms globally, and the market leader in the Nordic and Baltic countries. In Finland, we are one of the largest companies specializing in recruitment, temporary staffing and assessments. We help employers find competent and motivated professionals for interim and permanent positions at all organizational levels. We serve our clients and candidates across the nation. Manpower, is an authorized private employment agency.

We are currently looking for a Junior IT Support Technician to join our client´s Olkiluoto 3 project in Finland. Work starts as soon as possible and the estimated duration of the project is 6 months with good changes for extension.


Tasks includes:

 – Software installation

 – Hardware installation

– Windows operating system

– Linux (considered as a merit) 

– Network management (considered as a merit)


Personal skills:

– Good English in both spoken and written

– Customer service orientation

– Good problem solving skills 

– Finnish/German/French considered as a merit


Apply with a registered CV by clicking the HAE button. We recommend you to apply already today since the position is filled as soon as the right candidate is found. In case you have further questions please do not hesitate to contact Manpower´s Hannu Pelli (040 193 0347 – hannu.pelli@manpowergroup.fi

Hae tätä työpaikkaa: tai kopioi linkki ja liitä selaimen osoiteriville: https://www.manpower.fi/fin/tyon-haku/tyo/f457012c-4d2d-4503-acaa-bb5b4a0a7832

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Hakuaika: 1.9.2019 - 22.9.2019
Sijainti: Eura
Linkki: https://rekrytointi.com/avoimet-tyopaikat/manpower-oy/junior-it-support-technician-satakunta/680647/


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