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IT Support Specialist


RekryilmoitusExperis™ is the global leader in professional resourcing and project based workforce solutions. We attract, assess and place specialist professional talent, connecting the passion of individuals with the ambition of business. At Experis IT we specialize in skilled IT search and solutions and deliver high-demand talent for mission-critical positions to clients in over 50 countries. Experis is part of ManpowerGroup, the world leader in innovative workforce solutions.


For our client we are looking for

IT Support Specialist

To work in Tier 2 level support part of of a professional team.

To be successful in this position you should have the following skills:

Excellent soft skills:

– Verbal and written communication

– Team player & collaborator

– Excellent customer service

– Quick, but not at the expense of accuracy.

– Reliable


– Windows OS (10)

– Obtain the skills to troubleshoot 99% of desktop related issues.

– Windows Server OS (2008+)

– Must have near-complete familiarity with all reporting tools provided by the operating system to view logged problems. All other problems must be identified according to application behavior. Including Event Viewer and the ability to dissect the issue using information provided.

– Office365

– Mac OS X +

– Command Prompt and Windows Powershell


– Understanding of LAN/WAN, DNS, DHCP, MX Records

Active Directory and Group Policy

– Creation, Deletion, and Modification of user accounts and security/distribution groups.

– Understanding of group policy and the ability to dissect, enable, disable created policies.

File Sharing

– Basic understanding of file shares, file share permissions, and NTFS permissions.

– Ability to dissect/modify/change file permissions, folder permissions, share permissions and NTFS permissions.

Network Printers

– Adding to PCs via direct IP and/or print server

Remote Desktop Services/Cloud Service/IIT Cloud Workspace

– Understands a RDS/TS server functionality and purpose.

– Ability to manage RDS users and software.

– Understands the difference between a local session and a cloud session.

– Ability to troubleshoot cloud connectivity and server issues.

VMWare / Hyper V

– Understand virtualization and how it works and its purpose.

– Understand how to login to manage VMS to:

– Power On-Off VMs

– Check VM Status

– Create and Modify VMs

Extra credit will be given if candidate has some of these specific technologies

– Atlassian – Jira & Confluence

– Microsoft Intune

– Carbon Black

– Jamf

Allocation: 100%

Start: As soon as possible

Duration: 31.12.2019 with great possibility to continue longer

Location: Espoo

Contact person: Katja Mercedes, katja.mercedes@fi.experis.com, tel. +358400253248

Hae tätä työpaikkaa: tai kopioi linkki ja liitä selaimen osoiteriville: https://www.manpower.fi/fin/tyon-haku/tyo/0c07dcfa-e6f8-41ad-8aab-9abd3c046d73

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Hakuaika: 22.9.2019 - 17.10.2019
Sijainti: Espoo
Linkki: https://rekrytointi.com/avoimet-tyopaikat/experis/it-support-specialist-espoo/696483/


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