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Infrastructure Developer


RekryilmoitusOps-team provides infrastructure services for Ropo 24 system. We plan, implement, and monitor multiple systems and services including classic servers and modern cloud services. Ops-team has a superb track record of keeping production systems up and running by relying on automation, proactive monitoring and using managed services. Our work consists of monitoring tasks and also long-term implementation and planning. Here is a list of tech words related to our daily work: AWS, CI, CD, IaC, Bash, Python, Go, Docker, CloudFormation, DW, Data Lake, ElasticSearch, OpsGenie.

Our team offers a friendly and relaxed but professional working environment. Our working life balance is good, and our members benefit of flexible work times and vacation dates. We have reserved days for each member to study and learn areas of personal interest.

Skills required to thrive on working in the Ops-team:

  • enthusiasm and desire to learn spontaneously and continuously
  • working steadily under the pressure
  • technical documentation and sharing knowledge
  • ability to work outside office hours for certain tasks
  • readiness to communicate in English

Reasons to join the Ops-team:

  • interesting work tasks and technologically challenging projects to develop and deepen your skills 
  • the use of truly modern methods and technology at work
  • a working culture that supports learning and exploit new opportunities
  • flexible remote working opportunities
  • varied skills paths in a variety of teams
  • competitive wage
  • modern tools
  • comprehensive staff benefits: lunch, extensive occupational health care, leisure insurance, etc.

Your employment is permanent and starts according to the contract. Your workplace may be located at our main office in Kuopio or you can work completely remotely.


Did you get interested? Submit your application by June 17, 2021 at the latest.

The position will be filled as soon as the appropriate person is found and interviews will already be held during the application period. More information: weekdays from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Architect Jarno Kastarinen tel. +358 504 446 991


Ropo logo


Hakuaika: 24.5.2021 - 17.6.2021
Sijainti: Kuopio
Your workplace may be located at our main office in Kuopio or you can work completely remotely.
Linkki: https://ats.talentadore.com/apply/infrastructure-developer/m6VP7m


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