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Full-stack ASP.NET or PHP Developer

  •  Full-time software developer with 3+ years professional experience working with one (or both) the following technology stacks
  • ASP.NET (Web Forms/MVC), Windows Server and MSSQL
  • Object-Oriented PHP, Linux and MySQL
  • Experience using JavaScript and AJAX to create responsive web sites
  • Know-how in HTML and CSS
  • Fluent English (spoken and written) and ideally also Finnish
  • Genuine interest in best practices and quality assurance
  • A proactive, patient and diligent coder, with excellent team skills
  • Educational background from IT field and a talent for learning new technology, systems and methodologies
  • Join a diverse and multicultural team of experienced professionals in a great company
  • Great team culture and regular staff events
  • Interesting and challenging work on a large, continuously developing product
  • Access to the latest development tools and hardware
  • An excellent budget for training and research
  • A modern and central office with free on-site gym, shower/changing room facilities and ample bike storage
  • Optional limited benefits company car
  • Possible to do remote work
  • Flexi-time and more…
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Hakuaika: -
Sijainti: Espoo
Linkki: https://nepton.fi/toihin/#software-developer


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