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Front-end Developer


RekryilmoitusWe are looking for a

Front-end Developer

to join our growing team in Joensuu

Do you want to be part of an agile team of developers boosting infrastructure maintenance by creating top-class digital tools and maintaining existing ones? Do you want to work in an experienced team and grow in collaboration with talented people?

This must be your spot!

We offer you a Front-end Developer position in a profitably growing software company. We create digital services which improve the lives of thousands of citizens every day – why not join us!

You’ll be working at the Fluent Joensuu office closely with other developers and product owners.

What we expect from you?

You understand users and usability and have a sensibility for visual details. You have a good knowledge of web technologies (JavaScript, HTML5, CSS) and are motivated to learn more. You have fluent communication skills in English.

We believe that skills and tools can be learned and improved while doing the actual job. Nevertheless, we are especially excited if you have some experience on one or more of the following:

  • HTML 5
  • React
  • ECMAScript 2017 or TypeScript
  • Any preferable CSS Postprocessor
  • JSP, JAWR, JQGrid (optional)

What do we offer?

Besides getting the change to work with great and talented people, we offer e.g.

  • Flexible working hours
  • Culture/sport benefit
  • Company healthcare
  • Extensive health insurance
  • Accident insurance
  • Modern facilities
  • Social events

Did the above mentioned caught your attention?

Great! Tell us about your past programming and work experience, and let us know what you’d like to do in the future. Send your application and CV with the title ‘Front-end Developer’ by clicking the Apply-button and we’ll get back to you!

Laura logo


Hakuaika: 20.9.2019 - 20.10.2019
Sijainti: Joensuu
Linkki: https://rekrytointi.com/avoimet-tyopaikat/fluent-progress-oy/front-end-developer/694443/


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