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Flexible Work Opportunities at Appen!


RekryilmoitusTask Description

We are looking for people from all over the world to participate in some of our many exciting work-from-home opportunities. These opportunities range from simple surveys that can be completed in less than one hour to ongoing projects that last for months or longer. Leverage your social media interest, mobile device savviness, your college degree in linguistics, online research skills, or passion for images, video, or audio. With so many diverse projects, chances are we’ve got something for you.

Interested? Kindly go through this link to register or click the ”APPLY” button: https://connect.appen.com/qrp/public/jobs?sref=3a499d95cc3e2392cc3c595e0fda2e06

Once you complete the registration process, you will be able to receive feedback via email or direct through the Appen Connect platform. If you are interested in also applying for other projects, make sure that you complete your profile so you can unlock more projects for your account!

“A diverse, inclusive culture is vital to our mission of helping build better AI. We offer opportunities for individuals of all abilities and backgrounds.” 

General Requirements

  • Excellent web research skills and analytical abilities
  • Excellent comprehension and written communication skills
  • High-speed internet access (Cable Modem, DSL, etc.)
  • A personal computer running Google’s free Chrome web browser, version 45 or newer, or, for some assignments, specific mobile devices – i.e., smartphones, tablets, etc.
  • Up to date anti-virus and anti-spyware software

What You Need To Be Successful

  • You must be smart, curious, and enjoy online research.
  • You must pass a qualification exam on many projects to make sure you understand the requirements.
  • You must be a motivated, self-driven, organized individual, and you should do well.

Appen contributors conduct in-depth internet-based research and provide information evaluation for leading companies from around the globe. Ideal candidates are self-reliant, self-motivated, are very internet savvy, have a broad range of interests, and enjoy online research and evaluation.

Here are examples of some of the opportunities that may be available:

  • Search Media Evaluation
  • Social Media Evaluation
  • Translation Services
  • Transcription Services
  • Survey and Data Collection (Short projects that last from 15 minutes to three hours)
  • Linguistic Specialties (Text to Speech, Computational, Phonetics, Pronunciation, Annotation, etc.)
  • Lexicon Annotation
  • Speech Evaluation
  • Image Annotation and/or Transcription
  • Video Annotation
  • Sensor Data Annotation i.e., LiDAR, Radar, etc.



Appen is a global leader in the development of high-quality, human-annotated datasets for machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Appen brings over 25 years of experience capturing and enriching a wide variety of data types including speech, text, image, and video.

We have deep expertise in more than 180 languages and dialects, and access to a global crowd of over 400,000 skilled contractors.

Appen partners with leading technology, automotive, and eCommerce companies — as well as governments worldwide — to help them develop, enhance and use products that rely on natural languages and machine learning.

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Hakuaika: 15.2.2022 - 17.3.2022
Sijainti: Helsinki
Linkki: https://rekrytointi.com/avoimet-tyopaikat/appen/flexible-work-opportunities-at-appen/1430795/


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